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View the Results of Committee's Vote

Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can record and enter committee voting results on a case into Review, Promotion, & Tenure (RPT). Voting results are shown by step. Committee Members can view a chart showing overall results and the number of votes at their assigned step. Each committee’s voting is distinct at a case review step, and the voting feature only appears if it has been set up in the Administration section. This article explains how to view voting results from the Committee Details tab on the Case page.


Committee Members can view the results for their assigned step, but cannot cast votes in the system; instead, their votes are polled and entered by An administrator. Candidates cannot view voting results.


View Voting Results

  1. Navigate to the Cases page, click the Name of the desired case to edit, and select the Case Details tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Voting Results section to see the results of the committee vote displayed in a pie chart with the number of each vote displayed in a table to the right

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