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Customize Scholarly Outlet Data and Metrics

This article reviews how administrators, with the necessary permissions, can use the Scholarly Outlet List in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) to manage scholarly data and metrics for entering scholarly activities. When adding a Scholarly Contribution and Creative Production entry to the Activity Input Form, scholarly outlets can be set up to dynamically display when entering a scholarly outlet name, and metrics can be viewed for individual scholarly outlets.


Configure Scholarly Outlets Lists and Metrics

  1. Click Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu
    Navigation bar with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Upload Form under the Configuration section.
    Configuration section with Upload Form underlined
  3. Select Scholarly Outlets or Scholarly Outlet Metrics In the Upload dropdown depending on the type of data being configured.
    Data to Upload section with Scholarly Outlet Metrics highlighted in the upload dropdown
  4. Select the Separator that is used (comma or tab) in the data being uploaded from the institutional system.
  5. Select the fields to be displayed and the order in which they are displayed by using the dropdowns in the Upload Fields section, under Sample Record.
  6. Click Go Back when finished.

Upload the files containing the Scholarly Outlet Lists and Metrics

  1. Click Administration under the Administration section in the navigation menu.
    Navigation bar with Administration highlighted
  2. Click Upload Data under the Bulk Data section.
    Bulk Data section with Upload Data underlined
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click New Upload.
  4. Select Scholarly Outlets or Scholarly Outlet Metrics from the dropdown adjacent to Type.
    Select Upload Type section with Scholarly Outlet Metrics highlighted in the Type dropdown

    Scholarly Outlet Lists must be uploaded prior to uploading scholarly outlet metrics.

  5. Fill out the remaining sections in this form.
    1. Select the semester
    2. Indicate whether or not to update existing records
    3. Select unit
    4. Choose the file to upload
  6. Click Validate once the file is added. This is required.
  7. Click Upload to upload the data.

Manage individual Scholarly Outlet Lists and Metrics after upload

  1. Click Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu.
    Administration section with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Scholarly Outlet List under the Customize section.
    Customize section with Scholarly Outlet List underlined
  3. Make desired Change
Change Directions
Edit Scholarly Outlet
  1. Click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the desired Scholarly Outlet or Scholarly Outlet Metric.
  2. Scholarly Outlet Lists and Metrics can also be deleted from the Scholarly Outlet List screen by clicking the corresponding Delete ("X")icon.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. Click Save when finished.
Add Metric Field
  1. Click Add under the Manage Scholarly Outlet Metrics section.
    Manage Scholarly Outlet Metrics section with Add button at the bottom
  2. In the Metric Name field type a name for the new metric.
  3. Select the appropriate Scholarly Outlet Types from the dropdown.
    Add dialog box with section for Metric Name and Scholarly Outlet Types
  4. Click Save when finished.
Add New Scholarly Outlet
  1. Click Add under the Scholarly Outlets section.
    Manage Scholarly Outlet Metrics section with add button at the bottom
  2. Type the title, abbreviation, publisher, ISSN, type, and impact factor of the new scholarly outlet.
  3. Click Save when finished. The new scholarly outlet title now displays in the Scholarly Outlet section.

Scholarly Outlet Files that can be uploaded into FAR

Each institution is responsible for uploading their own scholarly outlet data, but Interfolio provides the following scholarly outlet files that can be uploaded into FAR:

  • journal_abbreviation_ISSN.csv (contains a list of scholarly outlets, the scholarly outlet abbreviations, and the ISSNs)
  • journal_and_metrics.csv (contains a list of scholarly outlets and corresponding metrics) 
  • proceeding_conference_abbreviation_ISSN.csv (contains a list of conference proceedings, the abbreviations, and the ISSNs)
  • proceeding_conference_and_metrics.csv (contains a list of conference proceedings and corresponding metrics)

Note that this is a complimentary service, and therefore the accuracy of the data in these files is not guaranteed. In addition, it is not guaranteed that the data in these files will be maintained; therefore, institutions are responsible for the maintenance of their own scholarly outlet data.


Uploading Scholarly outlet lists and metrics to FAR is a two-part process. Note that Scholarly Outlet Lists and Metrics must be uploaded as separate files, and Scholarly Outlet Lists must be uploaded prior to uploading Scholarly Outlet Metrics.

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