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Configure Profile Form

The Profile Form in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) allows faculty to input static personal data like contact details, degrees, and work experience, which can be updated anytime. This data can be used for CVs or reports. Customization should be done at the university level, then cascaded down to colleges. Institutions can configure the form by adding custom sections, reordering/hiding sections, specifying activity classifications, and modifying settings without needing Interfolio's assistance. This article goes through the process.


Customization of this form should be performed at the highest level, such as the university level, and then for the next lower level, colleges, and so on. The data that is collected creates the basis for reporting and other output, such as CVs, institutional reports, accreditation reports, and more.


Configure/Manage the Profile Form

  1. Navigate to the Setup page under Administration on the navigation menu and click the Profile Form under the Configuration section.
  2. Click the hyperlinked number for the applicable unit to navigate to a page with a list of Profile forms within the selected unit.
    • Click the Add button to create a new Profile form.
    • Click the “X” to delete the Profile form.
  3. Click the Pencil (Edit) icon under the Actions column to make changes to the existing form.
  4. To make changes to specific sections, click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to the applicable Content section.

    Default sections will have Reorder next to the dropdown, while Custom sections will have Custom Section Reorder adjacent to the dropdown.


    Check out the section below about the Personal Information and Contact Information sections for editing details specific these sections.

  5. Make desired changes on the Edit Profile Section page.

Editing Profile Section Fields

Section Details
General Information

Changing section titles has no impact on functionality. Users will see the updated section titles immediately, and the changes will also be reflected in Reports for each form.

It is recommended to provide Instructions for your faculty under the General Information section. These will appear under the specific section dropdown on the Profile or Activities page.

Section Fields Only Custom Section fields are customizeble. If you are editing a Default Field, the message “Default Fields Not Customizable" will appear below section B.
Section B Section Fields with * Default Fields Not Customizable note
Other Section Settings

Section F Other Section Settings with Allow in Find Colleagues dropdown, and University Help and University Attachments Help fields

  • Modify Fields: Administrators can configure the following settings in the ‘Personal Information,’ ‘Contact Information,’ and ‘Current Position’ section fields.
    • Lock: Disables the end user from editing the data in the specified fields. In the image below, the Suffix, Honorific, and Race/Ethnicity fields are locked.
      Personal Information output screen with Suffix, Honorific, and Race/Ethnicity adjacent to a lock symbol
    • Hide on Input: Hides the field from the end user, but it remains visible in reports.
    • Hide on Reports: Excludes the field from appearing in reports.
  • University Help: This is where you can update the help information that appears in the blue '?' Help blubble within the specific section on the Profile or Activities page.
    Activities page, ? Help bubble selected, Help for Teaching window displayes with University Help information.

Editing Personal Information and Contact Information sections

  1. To edit the 'Personal Information' or 'Contact Information' section of the Profile Form, follow steps 1 and 2 above, then click the Pencil icon next to the desired section
  2. Scroll down to the Other Section Settings section. Here you can modify the display options.

Default Input Sections

The table below lists the default input sections that are initially available to the Implementation Team. However, it is important to note that the Implementation Team makes decisions that may modify the sections that are available to Faculty. Therefore, it is not guaranteed that all of the sections listed below will appear on an institution's profile form.


Activity Classifications (AC) are added if additional information is desired to be collected in default sections. 

Section Details
Personal Information

Displays basic information about the faculty member. This information is often provided by a human resources record.

  • Fields may include name, gender, race, and more.
Contact Information 

Displays both personal and professional contact information for the faculty member.

  • Fields may include office location, address, phone numbers, home address, and more.
Current Position 

Displays the current academic position (rank and title) that the institution provides for the faculty member.

  • Fields may include title, start date, and rank.
  • These titles are used in report filtering in the faculty picker.
  • Using this section allows an institution to display Faculty Classifications (FC) on their vitas.

This section should only contain active/current roles. Check out the “Administrative Appointments” row in this table for information on where to include past data.


If incorrect data is showing in current positions check the Rank or Position Title data coming in from that file, the Faculty Classification File, or the faculty file.

Work Experience 

Documents previous position details to potentially include previous academic positions, such as the junior faculty position, at this or another institution.

  • Fields may include previous position details, start and end dates, organization, and role.

Documents and displays all degrees earned by the faculty member, and can also include degrees in progress.

  • Fields may include degree, year conferred, granting institution, and more.
Professional Licensures & Certifications

Notes current or past licenses and certifications.

  • Fields may include title of certification, date conferred, etc.
Rank and Promotion History 

Used by faculty to list each faculty rank they have held at the institution along with the date appointed or promoted to that rank.

  • Fields may include faculty rank, start and end dates, department, and institution.
Administrative Appointments 

Allows the faculty member to list current or past administrative or leadership appointments held at the institution. This tends to be static data.

  • Fields may include position title, unit/department, and start/end dates.

The data in this section cannot be used as a filter or anything. Check out the “Current Positions” in this table for information on where to input position titles that can be used in report filtering in the faculty picker.


Allows faculty members to list their interests in administrator defined areas. This information can be utilized for finding colleagues with similar interests or to be published externally, such as the faculty member webpage.

  • Fields may include teaching, research, services, clinical, and more.

Used by faculty to display a narrative of their personal, professional, and academic experiences. 

  • This section can be utilized to furnish a faculty member webpage and to include a personally crafted statement by the faculty member.
Military Experience

Designed to capture United States military service. Faculty can use the date selection and narrative to describe their service.

  • Fields may include branch, military status, and start and end dates.
Post Graduate Training

Often used by faculty at medical and other health-affiliated schools to list residency, internship, or other placements post-medical school.

  • Fields may include type of training, speciality, institution, start and end dates, and more.
Professional Licensures

Often used by faculty at medical and other health-affiliated schools to note current or past state or federal licensures.

  • Fields may include type, state, year conferred, expiration, and more.

Often used by faculty at medical and other health-affiliated schools to list past and current certifications pertaining to their role or discipline.

  • Fields may include organization name, type, speciality, date conferred, expiration date, and more.
Additional Trainings

Often used by faculty at medical and other health-affiliated schools to list any additional training (non-professional development or non-degree affiliated) pertaining to their role or discipline.

  • Fields may include institution, speciality, start and end dates, and more.
Hospital/Clinical Appointments

Often used by faculty at medical and other health-affiliated schools to document current and past hospital appointments, noted separately from academic appointments and administrative roles.

  • Fields may include position title, hospital, and start and end dates.
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