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Overview of Vita Output Options

When setting up and configuring vitas, administrators can select from four display options. The Display options are set from the Display dropdown that appears on the Vita Setup page, and elsewhere when the user is presented with options for how to format the display of the vita. This article outlines the differences between the four display options available in vita outputs: Traditional, Traditional-Date, Tabular, and Listing. Examples of each style are provided below.


Vita Output Options


Traditional was the original vita style built for Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) to resemble a reasonable approximation of the many styles of vitas that faculty use, it is also the default format when a new institutional vita is built. It should be noted that the stylings below only apply to institutional standard vitas.  Faculty personal vitas default to traditional formatting.



The Traditional-Date vita format prints out a Traditional vita style, but anywhere that a term is referenced in the vita, the calculated date range for that term is printed instead of the term label as in the Traditional style. This can be seen under the Institutional Committees section in the example below.



The Tabular vita style allows the user to format all sections of a vita in tabular display. It is designed for things like courses taught, and other items that are made up of very structured data that looks best in a tabular format.



The Listing format has only one purpose: to display every field of every section. It was designed as a utilitarian vita format to simply get all of the data out where it can be viewed by an administrator.

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