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Quick Start Dossier Guide

What is Dossier?

Interfolio Dossier is a free online platform that provides one centralized account for scholars to collect/manage materials and request/receive confidential letters of recommendation. Dossier accounts stay active indefinitely, but those inactive for six years will be deleted. Documents remain accessible as long as the account is active.

What is Dossier Deliver? 

Users can upgrade to our premium service, Dossier Deliver, for $59.99 annually. This service enables users to send academic materials to non-Interfolio-hosted positions. An annual subscription includes 50 deliveries by email, mail, or confidential letter uploads to online application systems. Quality Checks will be performed on letters of recommendation and alerts will be sent if there is a problem. Applying to Interfolio-hosted positions is always free, and these deliveries do not count against the 50 annual deliveries.


Dossier Homepage

Check out the table below for a description of each page on the Dossier navigation menu.

Navigation Option Description

Access all your completed or in-progress applications, search for open positions, and send your materials to non-Interfolio applications with a Dossier Deliver account.


Upload and manage materials for applications and reviews, share them for feedback, and request letters of recommendation (LOR) or upload LORs from your Dossier account.


Access all your letter requests and letters you've been asked to write.


Organize materials into collections for applications and reviews, and share them for feedback.

Shared with Me

Access materials that have been shared with you and receive feedback.

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