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Set Up Committee Voting at Institution

Institutional Administrators can set up possible voting options to record committee votes and collect results for cases at an institution. This feature tracks committee votes and generates reports. This article explains how to set up the committee voting feature.


Committee Members can view voting results but cannot cast votes in the system (no voting option will appear for them). Instead, they are polled and a Unit Administrator, Case Manager, or Committee Manager enters the results using Interfolio's Committee Voting feature


Set Up Committee Voting

Navigate to the Administration page and select the Voting tab on the left-hand side. 

A few default voting options are automatically available, but these can be edited or additional votes can be added.

  • Click Add Option to Add Voting Option to the list.
  • Click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to the desired option to update the Name or Delete it altogether.

If a voting option is deleted or edited, it cannot be edited on existing committee voting ballots where it was previously added. In other words, adjustments with the plus or minus buttons won't be possible, as the option no longer exists. Instead, an error message will appear, and the change will not be saved.

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