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Recuse an Administrator or Case Manager From a Case Review Step

Unit Administrators and Case Managers have access to all cases at their unit or below unless recused. These roles can recuse themselves or other Unit Administrators or Case Managers from specific steps in the workflow. Recusal from a case review step must occur during the workflow step when editing a case or template, not within individual committees. Once recused, they won't see or access the case until it moves to a step where they have access again.


Recuse Unit Administrator or Case Manager

  1. Navigate to the Edit Details page when editing Case Review Steps and click Manage Academic Levels
    Manage Academic Levels selected in the Academic Level section on the Edit Details page
  2. You will see a list of all Administrators and Case Managers that have access to the case at this step (set by the academic levels assigned here). Click Recuse/Unrecuse next to the applicable Administrator or Case Manager to remove their access/regrant access at that step.
    Manage Academic Levels page with list of administrators

If they are a committee member, they will retain access to the case at their assigned step. To fully remove their access, you must also remove them from all assigned steps.



Why is a case at my unit not appearing on my Cases page?

This may be because your academic level does not have access or you have been recused from the case at the current step. If recusal was unintentional, contact an Administrator or Case Manager to resolve the issue.

Committee Members and Managers only have access to a case during the step they are assigned to. They will gain access when the case reaches their step and lose access once it moves past that step.


What happens if a committee member is on two committees at the same step and is recused from one?

If a committee member is on two committees assigned to the same step and is recused from one, they will lose access to the case entirely. To regain access, they need to be un-recused.

Recusals are intended for conflicts of interest where access should be restricted for ethical reasons. If a member simply shouldn't participate, it's better to remove them from the committee instead.


A candidate is listed as a reviewer on their own case. What happens when I recuse them?

If a candidate is listed as a Committee Member/Manager, they can access the case via My Packets (candidate view) or Cases (committee member view) when the case reaches their step.


Recusing a candidate from a case step only removes them from that specific step. If the candidate is also listed as a committee member in other steps, they may need to be recused from those steps separately. After recusal, the candidate can still access and interact with their case as long as they were notified of the case at the beginning.


Is there a way to recuse unit level admins in bulk during case reviews?

Yes! The Academic Levels feature allows for bulk recusal of unit-level admins during case reviews. This feature streamlines the process, ensuring that Unit Administrators can manage case access for multiple users at once, based on the institution's hierarchy.

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