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Mail a Letter of Recommendation to Interfolio

Requesters may elect to send a printed Document Request form if they want a hard copy of the recommendation submitted to Interfolio. Follow the instructions below to mail the letter to Interfolio. Letters mailed to Interfolio will be scanned and uploaded on the third Friday of every month. According to USPS guidelines, letters sent First Class can take three to 14 days to arrive. If the person being recommended has a deadline approaching, it is recommended to upload the letter


Interfolio does not accept faxed letters of recommendation due to poor resolution quality.


Lost Printed Document Request Form

Printed Letter Request Forms have user document IDs and barcodes used for internal processing. If the form has been misplaced, ask the student or colleague requesting the letter for a new copy. They can print a new copy after logging into their Interfolio account


Mail a Letter of Recommendation to Interfolio

  1. Place the printed letter and the Interfolio Document Request Form in an envelope.
  2. Mail the letter to Interfolio

    Interfolio has moved! Please send mail to our new address at: 

    1150 18th St NW Suite 250
    Washington, DC 20036

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