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Set Institutional and Personal Vita Template Information and Settings

Once a Vita template is created, users will need to set up the template information and settings. Changes to Institutional Vitas may be seen if the Linked setting is turned on. In this case, if the source template is edited, any changes will apply to all templates linked to the source template.


Edit Template Settings

Navigate to My Templates and select the desired Template Name from the list of all templates to navigate to the template's page.

From here you can select Edit General Information or Edit Template Styling at the top of the page.

  • You can also check the box next to the applicable Template Name on the My Templates page and click the red Edit (pencil) button that appears.

Refer to the table below for details on the actions you can perform on the Template's page.

Action Details
Reorder Sections Click Reorder All Sections to open the Reorder Sections window on the right where users can reorder sections using the up/down arrows to move sections by one space, using the dropdown to select the section's position, or dragging and dropping sections.
Hide Sections Click Hide All Sections or Show All Sections to display or not display all sections of the vita. This can also be done for individual sections by clicking the Hide Section or Show Section button next to the section.
Copy Sections Click Copy to duplicate a section. This will open the Duplicate Section window where you will rename the new section.
View Editing History

Click View Editing History at the top of the page to view a log of changes made to the vita. You can select the Start and End Date to display the editing history during a particular date range.
Standard Vita Template section with View Editing History adjacent to it

Reports can be downloaded as a .CSV file. This will list the date and time of changes, the user who made the changes, and the number of changes made.

Edit Sections

Click Edit (pencil) adjacent to the desired section name. Below are some editable options that will display.

Edit Table Columns

  1. To edit the table column configuration when using tabular format, click Settings from the Edit Section window and select Tabular from the Display Style dropdown.
  2. Click the Edit Table Columns button that will appear beneath the Display Style dropdown to navigate to the Table Columns window.
  3. Click Shown/Hidden or the arrows next to each column name or drag and drop to move sections.

Group by Section

Sections can be grouped by activity classifications or designated database fields such as city, degree, discipline, and more.


Click Section Grouping and select the type to Group by from the dropdown menu.

  • Grants have the added ability to group activities by Status.
  • Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions can also be grouped by Subtype and Status.




Edit General Information and Template Styling

From here you can select Edit General Information or Edit Template Styling at the top of the page to open the General Information or Template Styling windows.

General Information Template Styling

The Template Name and Template Description will be visible if the template is shared with others.


Display Settings

  • Show Empty Sections: Determines whether sections on the profile or activity form without data will be shown on a generated vita.

    Note that turning this on could create empty space on a vita generated from the template.

  • Show Empty Groups: If checked, empty groups will appear on a generated CV, leaving empty space if no data is present, This helps to organize data within a section. To view section groups, select Section Grouping from the edit pencil on a section. 
  • Show Links to Attachments: Click the edit pencil on the applicable section to turn this off for the template but on for the one section.
  • Show ALL activities, even if 'Publicly Displayed' option is set to ‘No’: Enabling this setting will include activities marked as “not visible to the public” in the vita, overriding their normal hidden status.

    This should only be on if the institution has opted for Publicly Displayed activity classification for faculty web profiles. This toggle allows faculty to exclude activities from their public profile while including them in their vita.


On the Edit Template Styling window you can edit the Citation Style and formatting for Titles, Headings, and Paragraphs. These changes will be applied to the template and will define the styles for all Vitas created with it.

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