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Reopen a Closed Position

An Interfolio Faculty Search (FS) position is either ‘Open,’ meaning a position is accepting new applications, or ‘Closed,’ meaning no new applications are being accepted. Committee Managers and Administrators can close a position when applications are no longer being considered, such as after a hire is made or for other reasons. This article explains how to reopen a closed position.


Reopen a Closed Position

  1. Navigate to the Positions page and click the Filter button.
    Positions page unfiltered
  2. Select the filters associated with the closed position(s) from the dropdown to filter the list to show only closed positions.
    Filters window with Type, Status, and Active or Closed fields
  3. Click the “X” when finished and then click the hyperlinked Name of the desired position to reopen from the filtered list.
    Positions page with Only closed "Position Filled" Status positions
  4. Select Position Actions > Open Position from the dropdown in the upper right-hand corner and select a new status for the re-opened position.
    Position Actions dropdown with Open Position selected

    To start accepting applications again, it is necessary to edit the position and enter new dates, descriptions, or other changes.



When an archived (closed) position is re-opened, does it go through the approval process again?

No, when an archived (closed) position is re-opened, it does not go through the approval process again. The position will simply become available for applicants to apply.

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