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Best Practices Data Integrity

Data integrity ensures the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle. It is crucial for systems that store, process, or retrieve data. This article outlines best practices for system administrators when modifying activity or Faculty Classifications (FC), sections, fields, or organizational structure.


Best Practices Data Integrity

Managing Faculty Classifications (FC)

If a Faculty Classification has not been assigned to any user, modifications are possible. If it has been assigned, changes must be requested through Interfolio Technical Services by emailing Interfolio-support@elsevier.com. This includes adjusting display types, dropdown values, or correcting assignments.


Check out this article about how to Customize Faculty Classifications for guidance on maintaining consistency and avoiding unnecessary risks when managing Employment Status and Tenure FCs.





Clients can make these system changes.

*Clients can make these system changes if no data is associated

**Clients can make these system changes, but there will be an impact on reporting.

Will compromise ongoing data loads. Clients should reach out to Interfolio Support to help assist with these changes. Otherwise, clients can make these system changes.


Clients cannot or should not make these changes in the system. Please reach out to Interfolio Support to discuss options.
Action/Change Recommendation
Adding a new Faculty Classification

  • The title must be unique. If a FC with the same title exists, modify it (e.g., add an underscore or abbreviation), even if it was inactive and recreated. 
  • Dropdown Select and Multi-item Select display types can be used as report filters.
  • FCs can have only one value.
Adding a new value to a default Faculty Classification


Adding an option to a default FC triggers a warning, as it can disrupt reports like AACSB or LCME.

Adding a new value to a custom Faculty Classification


Changing the Title of a Faculty Classification

Changing the label of a value in a Faculty Classification


Moving a Faculty Classification to Inactive

This UI change affects sorting and reporting, and once inactivated, the FC can't be used for sorting in the Faculty Picker.

Removing a value from a Faculty Classification


Changing the display type of a Faculty Classification



Managing Activity Classifications (AC)

If an AC has not been assigned to any user, modifications are possible. If it has been assigned, changes must be requested through Interfolio Technical Services by emailing Interfolio-support@elsevier.com. This includes adjusting display types, dropdown values, or correcting assignments.





Clients can make these system changes.

Will compromise ongoing data loads. Clients should reach out to Interfolio Support to help assist with these changes. Otherwise, clients can make these system changes.
*Removing a field will result in data loss.


Clients cannot or should not make these changes in the system. Please reach out to Interfolio Support to discuss options.
Action/Change Recommendation
Adding an Activity Classification

  • The title must be unique. If an AC with the same title exists, modify it (e.g., add an underscore or abbreviation), even if it was inactive and recreated. 
  • Dropdown Select and Multi-item Select display types can be used as report filters.
  • ACs can have only one value.
  • It may not always be possible if an AC's display type needs changing. Contact Interfolio to explore options
Adding a new value to an Activity Classification

Changing the Title of an Activity Classification

Changing the label of a value in an Activity Classification

Moving an Activity Classification to Inactive

The AC will remain available for reporting if the Show in Reports setting is set to Yes.

Moving an Activity Classification to a different unit

Removing a value from an Activity Classification


Changing the display type of an Activity Classification


Managing Section Changes




Clients can make these system changes.

Will compromise ongoing data loads. Clients should reach out to Interfolio Support to help assist with these changes. Otherwise, clients can make these system changes.
*Removing a field will result in data loss.


Clients cannot or should not make these changes in the system. Please reach out to Interfolio Support to discuss options.
Action/Change Recommendation
Adding a section

New sections can be added to any form at any time. It is recommended to add them at level 1 (University level) to allow provisioning for multiple units now or in the future

Adding a new field to a section


  • Field names must be unique.
  • New fields can be added to a section anytime, but if Interfolio is loading data, changes by the Tech Services team and a possible change order are required.
Changing the values in a dropdown field

To maintain data integrity, update an existing dropdown list instead of recreating it. Institutions using bulk data loading should contact Interfolio before making changes.

Adding a value to a dropdown field


Institutions using Technical Services for non-automated bulk data loads should contact Interfolio before making changes.

Changing the name of a section (custom or default)

Changing the label of a field in a custom section

Moving a section to Not Shown

Removing a field in a section


Do not take this action. Please contact Interfolio to discuss the use case at Interfolio-support@elsevier.com.

Changing a text field → numeric

Changing a dropdown fielddropdown with other

Changing other field types not listed above in a section


Do not proceed with this action. Contact Interfolio at Interfolio-support@elsevier.com to discuss the use case. This change will severely impact data integrity and invalidate reports.

Changing Term/Year selection (One Term/Year to Multiple Term/Year; Multiple Term/Year to One Term/Year)


Do not proceed with this action after data entry. Although it does not disrupt the database, it affects reporting, backup data, and API extracts. All related fields will remain, (e.g., if changing from four fields to two, the original four fields will still be present). Contact Interfolio at Interfolio-support@elsevier.com to discuss use cases. 


Managing Organizational Changes

Download and complete the request form (do not forget to save it as an Excel file) to manage the Organizational Structure.





Clients can make these system changes.

Will compromise ongoing data loads. Clients should reach out to Interfolio Support to help assist with these changes. Otherwise, clients can make these system changes.


Clients cannot or should not make these changes in the system. Please reach out to Interfolio Support to discuss options.
Action/Change Who can make this change?
Adding a unit

A new unit can be added to any parent unit at any time.

Moving (changing parent of) a unit

Adding new faculty to a unit

Moving faculty between units

For bulk actions, please contact Technical Services.

Combining units

Splitting units

Deleting units

Modifying a unit name or abbreviation

Changing the unit abbreviation may affect base data files (e.g., faculty, current position, secondary unit assignment, prefix, and support account files). Update these files as needed.

Unit Merging, Parent Changes, Splitting Units, or Deletion

Download and fill out the linked Org Structure Change Request Form with the changes desired, then submit a ticket to Interfolio-support@elsevier.com with the completed form attached. The spreadsheet has 3 separate forms (Merge Request Form, Request to Change Parent Unit, and Delete Unit Request Form. Units can be renamed anytime in the user interface. After renaming, ensure the new unit abbreviation is used in all future bulk-loaded data files moving forward.


Managing Term Changes

Changes to FAR terms should be made cautiously. For term name or abbreviation changes, reach out to Interfolio-support@elsevier.com or your CSM to discuss your use case and the impact. 




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