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Set Up or Edit the Organizational Structure

The Organizational Structure in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) defines the unit hierarchy within an institution and is crucial for data management. This article guides administrators on setting up and managing this structure. Changing a unit's parent unit or deleting a unit can affect existing data and therefore should only be done with Interfolio's Technical Service team. For any changes, complete the  FAR Org Structure Change form form and email it to Interfolio-support@elsevier.com.


The Units file should not be bulk uploaded under any circumstances.


Create New Unit

  1. Navigate to the Setup page and click Organizational Structure under the School section.
    Setup page with Organization Structure selected in the School section
  2. Click Add Subunit on the Organizational Structure page that displays.

    Note that making changes to the organizational structure can only be completed by a Unit Administrator with the appropriate permissions.

  3. Specify the Unit Name and Unit Abbreviation in section A and Define Unit Administrative Access Rights in section B for the new subunit.
  4. Scroll to the bottom and click Save & Go Back when finished.

Move Existing Base Data to a Different Unit

After completing the organizational structures, ensure all base data files have matching unit abbreviations. If a faculty member's unit is not specified in the faculty file, they will be assigned to the highest unit level. The User Interface (UI) does not allow changing the unit for Committees and Courses. Rather, users must submit a merge request form. Contact Technical Services to delete committees tied to a specific unit.

It is highly recommended to submit a merge request form to move Course Prefixes, Courses Taught, or Faculty to a different unit. However, it is possible to do so in the UI from the Administration > Course Prefixes or Courses Taught pages.



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