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Create and Manage Position and Application Statuses

In Interfolio Faculty Search (FS), administrators use Position Statuses and Application Statuses to organize applications and manage multi-step search processes effectively. Position Statuses indicate the position's stage in the search process (e.g. Accepting Applications, Reviewing Applications, Interviewing Applications, Position Filled), while Application Statuses indicate where an individual application is in the review process (e.g. Longlist, Shortlist, Interview, Offer Pending, Hired). These statuses are used to help set permissions for committee members and applicants, determining when applicants and evaluators can submit, review, and update materials.

Application Statuses take precedence over Position Statuses.


Create and Manage Statuses

  1. Navigate to the Administration page on the navigation menu and ensure the applicable unit is selected under Settings for: at the top of the page. The Status tab should be selected on the left-hand side of the page.

    Use the radio buttons to Enable or Disable Position/Application Statuses Creation for the entire unit. When disabled, statuses are locked at the upper unit level, and lower units will not be able to create, edit, or delete statuses. A notification will appear, indicating that changes to position/application statuses have been locked by a higher unit.

  2. Click Actions > Add new status from the dropdown next to the ‘Position Status’ or the ‘Application Status’ section to create a new status, or click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to an existing status to make edits.
    Add new status selected from the Actions dropdown in the Statuses section

    Send to lower units

    When sending an entire set of position/application statuses to lower units, any unassigned statuses at the lower units will be replaced. If a Position/Application Status has already been assigned, changing it at the University level and then sending it to lower units will add the new status as an option, resulting in both the old and new statuses appearing.  To update an assigned status, first unassign it, then edit the unassigned status, and finally send it to lower units. This process ensures only the updated status is available without duplicates.

  3. Enter the position name and select applicant settings, including whether applicants can view the status, update their materials, and whether evaluators can review applications while the status is active.
    Add New Position Status window with Name field and 3 settings checkboxes

Once your statuses have been created on the Administration page, they can be applied to positions and applications within a position. Check out these articles to learn how to assign or change a Position Status or an  Application Status.


Application Statuses

Once you have submitted your application, please reach out to the hiring institution about any status updates on the position. Interfolio cannot provide that information.

Status Definition
In Progress (Not Yet Submitted) Deliveries that have started, but not yet submitted for final delivery.


Previously submitted; requirements incomplete

Applications that have been submitted, but the institution has since updated the requirements for the position. 

  • If an edit option appears on the Deliveries page, you can add required materials and make changes to the application.
  • The institution will usually provide further instructions if you need to edit your application materials.

Reach out to the institution if you have any questions about this status.

Complete Applications that have been completed and submitted.
Complete with Pending Letters Applications that have been submitted with pending letter requests. Once the letters have been uploaded by the letter writers, the application will be marked complete.
Preparing to Send Delivery is waiting to be processed and is in the queue to be processed by the fulfillment team. Deliveries take 1-4 days to complete.
Sent The delivery has been completed by Interfolio and sent to the recipient.
Canceled The canceled delivery will not count toward the 50 annual deliveries and will be credited back to the account. Deliveries are commonly canceled if a pending letter request was submitted to another application system or if there is no letter available at the time of the request.
Withdrawn When an applicant has withdrawn their application from a position for which they applied.
Expired The applicant has started the application but has not submitted it and the due date has passed.

Note that institutions have the ability to make their own position statuses visible. This list does not account for that.



Are new/modified position/application statuses reflected in existing positions?

New or modified statuses will appear in existing positions only after being sent to lower units. If not sent, they will only affect future positions. New statuses replace existing ones unless the status is actively in use. Any statuses already applied to positions/applications will be retained.


Why won't an application status update in a position?

Check that it is not currently in use. If it is assigned to any user:

  1. Remove the status from all users
  2. Send the updated status to lower units
  3. Reassign the status to applicants as needed.

How can I see all statuses assigned to each applicant throughout a search process?

Navigate to Reports > Logs > System Logs > Application Status Changes

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