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Create and Manage Position and Application Statuses

Position and Application Statuses are tags that can be used to mark the stages of a search and track the progression of an applicant. Statuses are useful for sorting positions of applications and can be a very effective tool for managing search processes that involve several steps. Statuses in Interfolio Faculty Search (FS) can also be tied to settings in the product that control the levels of access Evaluators and applicants have to materials. For example, depending on the settings, statuses can be used to determine when applicants can submit materials or when Evaluators can review applications.


Application Statuses take precedence over Position Statuses.


About Position and Application Statuses

Position Statuses

Position statuses indicate where a position is within the search process. Some common position statuses are Accepting Applications and Reviewing Applications. These statuses are useful for viewing or sorting a list of open positions. In addition, each position status can carry its own set of rules that impact permissions in the program. When creating a position status, administrators have the option of choosing whether:

  1. Evaluators can review applications while this status is active.
  2. Applicants can update their application materials while this status is active.
  3. Applicants can see this status when it is active.

For example, when changing a status from Accepting Applications to Reviewing Applications, the program can be set so that Evaluators can review application materials, but applicants can no longer submit or update application materials.


Application Statuses

Application statuses are applied to individual applicants to indicate where their application is within the search process. For example, Rejected, Longlist, or Shortlist may be used as possible application statuses. This feature is particularly useful for sorting applicants and controlling when subsets of applicants can and cannot update their applications. When creating an application status, administrators can control whether:

  1. Applicants can update their application materials while this status is active.
  2. *Applicants can see this status. 

    *Please note that while this option appears within the product, applicants cannot currently view application statuses regardless if the box is checked or not.


If a search process requires applicants to add additional documents at a later time, application statuses are the best way to accomplish that process. For instance, it may be desired to see another letter of recommendation just from the top candidates halfway through the search. By creating a Shortlist application status, just those applicants can be permitted to submit more materials. Application statuses are also beneficial because they help organize and narrow down large lists of applicants.


Create and Manage Statuses

Position Statuses

The process for creating and managing Position Statuses is the same as the process for Application Statuses, but the actions must be done under the Position Status section on the Statuses page.

  1. Click Administration on the navigation bar.
    Administration selected under Faculty Search
  2. Ensure the desired unit is selected under Settings for: at the top of the page.
  3. Ensure the Statuses tab is selected on the left-hand side.

    If position status is disabled by a higher unit, a notice will appear saying Changes to position statuses have been locked by [a higher unit].

  4. Select Add new status from the Actions dropdown adjacent to the Position Status section.
    Add new status selected under the Actions dropdown adjacent to Position Status
    • To edit an existing status click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the desired status.
  5. Enter the status Name and indicate the permissions associated with the status.
    • Set permissions by indicating whether Evaluators can review applications, applicants can update materials, and applicants can view the status when it is applied to a position.
  6. Click Save when finished.
  7. The Confirm dialog box will appear asking if it is desired to make that new status available to lower administrative units. Click Yes or No.

Application Statuses

The process for creating and managing Application Statuses is the same as the process for Position Statuses, but the actions must be done under the Application Status section on the Statuses page.

  1. Click Administration on the navigation bar.
    Administration selected under Faculty Search
  2. Ensure the desired unit is selected under Settings for: at the top of the page.
  3. Ensure the Statuses tab is selected on the left-hand side.

    If an application status is disabled by a higher unit, a notice will appear saying Changes to application statuses have been locked by [a higher unit].

  4. Select Add new status from the Actions dropdown adjacent to the Application Status section.
    Add new status selected under the Actions dropdown adjacent to Application Status
    • To edit an existing status click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the desired status.
  5. Enter the status Name and indicate the permissions associated with the status.
  6. Click Save when finished.
  7. The Confirm dialog box will appear asking if it is desired to make that new status available to lower administrative units. Click Yes or No.

Manage Settings

Send Statuses to Lower Units

When choosing to send an entire set of position/application statuses down to the lower units, any statuses already created at the lower units will be replaced.

  1. Select Send statuses to lower units from the Actions dropdown adjacent to the Position Status section.
    Send statuses to lower units selected under the Actions dropdown adjacent to the Positions Status section
  2. Click Yes to confirm the decision.

Enable/Disable Status Creation

Select the Enable or Disable Position/Application Status Creation radio buttons under the Position Status section based on desired action to take.
Enable Position Status Creation and Disable Position Status Creation radio buttons below the Position Status section

When disabled, units below the current administrative unit cannot create, edit, or delete statuses.


Assign Position or Application Statuses

Once your statuses have been created on the Administration page, they can be applied to positions and applications within a position. Check out these articles to learn how to assign statuses.



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