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Transfer Documents From a Career Center or Academic Department

To have documents presently stored with a current or previous institution uploaded to an Interfolio account, first check with the institution to see which transfer method they would like to use. There are two primary options; Mail or Email documents to Interfolio.


Mail Documents

  1. Create a Dossier account (if not already done) on the Interfolio Homepage.
  2.  Download the Interfolio File Transfer Form
  3. Fill out the form and provide it to the institution to include with mailed materials. 

    Once the documents arrive, they will be scanned and uploaded to the Dossier account in 1-3 business days.


Email Documents

  1. Create a Dossier account (if not already done) on the Interfolio Homepage.
  2. Instruct the institution to email the documents in one email to

    Once the documents arrive, they will be scanned and uploaded to the Dossier account in 1-3 business days.



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