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Move Case Forward or Backward

Once a case advances in the workflow, it can be moved to another review step by a Unit Administrator, Case Manager, or Committee Manager, with the option to send an email to notify committee members gaining access to the case. They can also designate which committees can move a case forward in the workflow when setting up templates or cases.

  • A step can only move forward if a committee is assigned to the step and all committee document/form requirements are satisfied.
  • Cases can only move backward if they are beyond the first step of the workflow, the Case Candidate step. The option to send the case backwards will not appear if the case is on the first step.

Move Forward to Next Workflow Step

Navigate to the Cases page under Review, Promotion & Tenure on the navigation menu.

# Of Cases Steps
  1. Click the hyperlinked Name of the desired candidate to navigate to the candidate page. 
  2. From here you can click the Send Case button to select whether to move the case Forward to or Backwards to a different step.
  1. Select the checkboxes next to the applicable candidate names. An action bar will appear at the top.
  2. Select whether to Send Forward or Send Backwards.

Select whether a message will be sent to the reviewers gaining access and click Send when finished.

Regardless of whether a message is sent or not, when a committee member gains access to a case, a task for that case will display on their homepage.


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