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Search Results

Faculty Activity Reporting Release Notes 2021.09.01

This article lists recent changes to the product.

Added - Search box for expanded matched records table - Found Tab:

Added ability for users to search the list of matched records in IDS. Search functions will operate within tabs on the page such that when the user searches for a record in the accepted tab (for example), search results will only return within the records the user has accepted.

  • Search box displays on the default expanded matched records page.
  • When user searches, only the title & SCP type will display, but the user can search the whole record (i.e., the journal name)
  • Search results will display beneath a header that shows the SCP type (journal article, grant, book, etc.).
  • If there are multiple records that match the search terms, they will display alphabetically by title within type.
  • Users can exit the search and return to their list of matched records on the expanded action items table by deleting their search terms.

Important Note: The following characters are not allowed in the search: ":", "-", "|", "&", "!."If they are included then the user will see "No records yet. We'll keep searching."

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