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Lifecycle Management Release Notes 2024.04.02

(LM API Improvement) Show Unique Appointment ID in Export Profile List as CSV:


As a step toward allowing users to update appointment information (including required fields), we now allow LM users (Admins, Viewers, and Managers) to view a previously hidden appointment ID. When the user opens the Faculty List Page, Filters the list, selects Profiles, and clicks to Download CSV, they will see an additional column (Appointment ID) in the CSV file (between Series and Appointment Title) with the unique ID of the Appointment listed.


We have streamlined the fields or values required to identify an appointment to update. To help users locate the Appointment ID for appointments they wish to update, we have decided to add the information at various locations. 

  • One location will be in the Download Profile List as CSV (now available). 
  • In the event that a user has loaded several Appointments that need corrections, they can use the Profile List filtering feature to bring up the Profiles (and their appointments) they wish to correct and then Download the list of Profiles as CSV, in which we will add the Appointment ID.
  • A user will then have all Appointment ID’s they need to generate an Appointment Update Data Load template in order to correct data on the Appointments.
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