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Lifecycle Management Release Notes: 2024.04.16

(Fixed) Slow/Freezing Profile Page (Refactored timeline):

Fixed issue causing clients to experience timeouts/load issues when trying to edit an event for a profile. An LM user with access to Faculty Profiles will no longer receive a timeout when editing events, should see a response time of at least 2 seconds, and should be able to navigate through the timeline as expected. We've also updated the look and added Status Tags.

(Added) Expose Appointment ID in Appointment Detail:

LM admins, unit managers, and viewers can now access a Faculty Profile record and click on an Appointment to see details about it. They should also see the appointments' unique ID.  Using their unique ID rather than trying to come up with a group of fields that would identify an appointment such as [profile_id, rank_id, start_date, unit_id]. will increase accuracy and save time. To help the users locate the Appointment ID for appointments they wish to update, we are also adding that information at various locations in the program.

(Added) Set Faculty Start Date Before Date Hired:

A user who is creating/editing a faculty appointment can set the appointment start date to come before the Hire Date noted on the faculty profile. Before this change, when adding in the faculty appointment, the start date (which determines the faculty timeline) had to be after the date hired. We have removed the guardrail that prohibits a start date from being before the date hired. 

(Added)  “Cancel Event” option in Menu and Confirmation for Bulk Cancel of Events:

We now allow LM Admin and Unit Managers the ability to cancel an active event. Following the selection of at least one faculty profile, the user will see the ability to modify events. We have introduced a cancel event option to accompany the existing start event option, along with a window that shows the status of each Faculty Profile before calling the cancel events endpoint, and we let the user know if any of the selected Profiles don’t have an active event to cancel.

  • If an Admins or Unit Managers in LM does not select any profiles, the option to Modify Events will not be available, but they will see a message about it when hovering over.
  • When an Admin or Unit Manager in LM navigates to the Faculty List, and selects at least one profile, they will the option to Modify events with the option to cancel events.
  • When the Unit Manager or Admin selects a single or multiple profiles to cancel active events in bulk, athey are presented with all valid events that can be canceled, and a message informing them they are about to cancel in bulk.
  • If the user selects multiple profiles to cancel the active events for, and some have valid events that can be canceled, they will see a message informing them which profiles do not have active events to cancel with the option to cancel the profiles that do have valid events to cancel.
  • If they select multiple profiles to cancel the active events for, and none have valid events that can be canceled, they see a message and a window displaying which profiles do not have active events to cancel with an option to return to the faculty list.
  • When the user selects a single profile to cancel the active event for, and there isn’t a valid event, they will see an option to navigate to that profile.
  • After canceling event(s) in bulk, an LM Unit Manager or Admin will see a confirmation message about cancelling events.
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