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Lifecycle Managment Release Notes 2025.03.04

New Lifecycle Management Analytics - visual displays to provide a comprehensive view of faculty roster analytics in Lifecycle Management: 

We’ve added a new navigation item for Institutional Administrators in Lifecycle Management that gives them access to LM Analytics where they can view graphic displays of faculty data allowing them to see where data needs to be updated or corrected across the institution. We have also added a new navigation item to allow users to access Lifecycle Management Analytics. This feature gives users a visual, comprehensive view of the faculty roster to empower administrators with insights supporting long-term planning and staffing across departments. Data about faculty composition and upcoming career milestones are displayed in charts that allow filtering to help users see the current state of departments and understand trends in faculty composition. 

About Analytics in Lifecycle Management

Maximizing the Value of Interfolio LM

Interfolio Lifecycle Management (LM) helps users manage and track the activities, distribution, and needs of academic staff. Analytics in LM allows users to make use of that data by providing actionable insights, identifying trends, and supporting informed decision-making about academic planning and resource allocation. LM Analytics is a keyboard accessible feature allowing users with the appropriate role-based permissions to:

  • Apply filters to specify what data they want to see and how they want to see it
  • Sort data tables
  • Display data with visualizations and charts for clear insights
  • Export CSV, image files and PDFs of data

Downloads will always download institutional data despite filters applied (this will be improved iteratively)


LM Analytics Dashboard

The Reports page within LM displays a comprehensive dashboard with insightful analytics that offers valuable, data-driven recommendations. This dashboard provides you with critical insights into faculty trends to help you make proactive decisions, optimize faculty resources, and ultimately enhance institutional effectiveness.

Faculty Composition Tab

Widget Title Description
Faculty Composition by Rank Type
Faculty composition by rank type chart
  • Displays faculty/staff composition by rank type.
  • Each rank type is represented by a proportionate slice of the pie.
  • Hovering over a slice shows the precise faculty/staff count, rank type, and percentage of total count
  • Provides data-driven insights into faculty/staff balance and diversity to support resource planning, diversification, and career development.
  • Displays the rank type associated with each active appointment.
Faculty Tenure Distribution
Faculty tenure distribution chart
  • Donut chart representing the composition of faculty/staff based on tenure track. 
  • Each tenure track is shown as a segment, sized according to its share in the overall faculty/staff composition. 
  • Hovering over a segment reveals the precise count and percentage of faculty/staff in that track. 
  • Helps users understand the balance and diversity of their faculty/staff, and aids resource planning, diversification, and career development.
Faculty Composition by Rank
Faculty composition by rank


  • Displays faculty/staff composition by rank name.
  • X-axis shows unit
  • Y-axis shows total faculty/staff in each rank.
  • Hovering over a column shows the precise faculty/staff count, rank, and rank type
  • Provides data-driven insights into faculty/staff roster.
  • Supports informed decisions on recruitment, diversification, and career development.
  • Displays the rank name and type associated with each active PID.
Faculty Composition by Unit and Rank Type
Faculty composition by unit and rank type chart
  • Represents the distribution of faculty/staff by rank type across departments at your institution.
  • X-axis shows departments.
  • Y-axis shows faculty count.
  • Hovering over a column displays the precise faculty/staff count per rank type and department name.
  • Provides a data-driven understanding of your faculty/staff roster.
  • Supports informed decisions on recruitment, diversification, and career development in specific unit.
  • Shows the count of unique PIDs with active appointments broken down by rank and highest-level unit.
Changes in Faculty Composition by Rank Type
Changes in faculty composition by rank type chart


  • Tracks shifts in faculty distribution over time.
  • X-axis shows departments or schools of each faculty member and their rank type.
  • Y-axis shows faculty counts.
  • Displays the most recent three academic years by default, with an option to examine a 3-year timeframe.
  • Hovering over a column displays the precise faculty/staff count and rank type for a given year.
  • Provides insight into hiring trends and growth or decline in different rank types.
Changes in Faculty Composition by Unit and Rank
Changes in faculty composition by unit and rank type chart
  • Shows both raw numbers and change percentages.
  • Displays the count of unique PIDs with an active appointment in the past three years, broken down by rank.Shows how your institution's faculty distribution has changed over time.
  • X-axis shows faculty rank name.
  • Y-axis quantifies the faculty count within these departments or schools.
  • Hovering over a bar displays the precise faculty count, rank type, and department name for a given year.
  • Provides insights into how faculty members are distributed across different departments over a specific period.
  • Helps identify patterns and trends in faculty distribution.
  • Supports informed decisions about resource allocation, academic planning, and hiring strategies.

Faculty Events Tab

Widget Title Description
Upcoming Events
  • Next 2 Weeks: Shows the number of faculty events scheduled for the next two weeks based on the event start date. This will assist in planning the workload more effectively.
    • Count of event IDs that start in the next two weeks (the first day counted is the Monday of the following week) that have the status in ‘upcoming’ and the faculty associated to events are still active
  • Next Month: Shows the number of faculty events scheduled for the next month based on the event start date. This will assist in planning the workload more effectively.
    • Count of event IDs that start in next month (first day of the following month) that have the status in ‘upcoming’ and the faculty associated to events are still active
  • Next 3 Months: Shows the number of faculty events scheduled for the next three month based on the event start date. This will assist in planning the workload more effectively. 
    • Count of event IDs that start in next 3 months (first day of the following month) that have the status in ‘upcoming’ and the faculty associated to events are still active 
  • Overdue Events: Shows the number of faculty events with start dates that are in the past, but haven’t been initiated yet.
Faculty Events
  • Represents the distribution of faculty events across the institution.
  • X-axis shows event types.
  • Y-axis shows faculty affected by the respective events.
  • Hovering over a specific column displays the precise faculty affected, the event type, and the current status of the event.
  • Provides a data-driven understanding of resource allocation, recruitment, diversification, and career development.
  • Helps assess tenure progress and plan committee workloads effectively.
  • Filtered by events for active faculty members with current appointments.
  • Breakdown by event types:
    • Past: Displays the number of events that have been marked as ended.
    • Current: Displays the number of events that are marked as “current” or active.
    • Upcoming: Displays the number of events that have not yet been activated.




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