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Review, Promotion & Tenure 2024.02.19

Enable case initiation from Lifecycle Management Faculty List: 

Review, Promotion & Tenure Institutional Administrators and Unit Administrators, along with Insitutional Admins and Unit Managers in Lifecycle Management can select candidates from the LM Faculty List and initiate cases for the selected faculty to create cases for faculty members who exist in RPT.

  • When the LM IA/Unit Manager &/or RPT IA/Unit Admin selects candidates from the LM Faculty List and clicks "Initiate Cases," if the faculty selected do exist in RPT, the user can proceed to RPT Step 1 to view their list of selected candidates and continue with the case creation process.
  • When the LM IA/Unit Manager & RPT IA/Unit Admin selects candidates from their LM Faculty List and clicks "Initiate Cases," if the selected faculty do NOT exist in RPT, they will see an error ‘Faculty Selected Do Not Exist in rpt_whitelabel’ and will have the option to continue with Eligible users or Cancel.
  • When the LM IA/Unit Manager &/or RPT IA/Unit Admin clicks "Initiate Cases" without selecting any faculty members, they will receive an error ‘No Faculty Members Selected’ and have the option to Select Faculty or Cancel.
  • Only LM IA/Unit Manager & RPT IA/Unit Admin will see the “Initiate Cases” button
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