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Lifecycle Management Release Notes 2024.02.19


Added display of Upcoming/Current appointments and appointment statuses on Faculty Profile: 

Faculty Profiles now show upcoming and current appointments while also showing their status. In the Appointment Information table, we added a new column titled "Status," which will display whether an appointment is "Current" or "Upcoming." This new column is positioned between the "Contract Expiration" and "Type" columns. Past appointments will continue to appear under the Appointment History as they do currently. We have also updated the logic of which appointments display on the Faculty Profile to ensure both upcoming and current appointments are shown after they are created.

Key Changes:

  • Upcoming/Current Appointments now display: Faculty profiles now display both current and upcoming appointments after being created.
  • New “Status” column has been added: A new column titled "Status" is added to the Appointment Information table, positioned between the "Contract Expiration" and "Type" columns.
  • Status displays “Current” or “Upcoming” appointments: The "Status" column displays a label indicating whether each appointment is "Current" or “Upcoming.”
  • Past appointments are still displayed: Past appointments remain displayed under the Appointment History section without changes.
  • No impact on existing functionality: The addition of the "Status" column does not disrupt any existing features or functionality of the Appointment Information table. A faculty member cannot have two current appointments that share the same journey.

Added Appointment Status Column to Faculty CSV export: 

Faculty profiles now include “Appointment Status” for appointments, and we also include the appointment status in the downloadable CSV version of the faculty list. This provides users with a more comprehensive view of faculty in their roster and their current and upcoming appointments.

Key Changes:

  • New “Appointment Status” column: A new column labeled "Appointment Status" has been added to the Faculty List export (.csv format) that follows the “Appointment Title” column.
  • Column shows appointment status of faculty: The status column reflects the respective appointment status of the faculty member.
  • Each appointment has a status: There is a status displayed for each appointment that appears on the Faculty List.
  • Export function has not changed: The export function remains unaffected, and users can still download the faculty list without errors.

Added new task that updates Appointments from upcoming status to current status according to start date: 

Appointments will now be updated with a job that will run every day at the beginning of the day, in the same way as it does to modify the status from current to past. We added a new task in the job to update the appointments with upcoming status and update it to current. When an appointment is created with a start date in the future, it will be tagged with upcoming status. When the start date arrives, the status will change to current.


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