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View the Positions Activity Log

Interfolio Faculty Search (FS) automatically logs user actions for each position in the position activity log, visible only to Administrators and Committee Managers. The data is specific to each position and not available in aggregate.


This is separate from system logs under Reports as this log tracks changes made to a position and by whom. Currently this data is just specific to each position and not available in aggregate (such as through Reports).


Check our Evaluator's Guide to Faculty Search for directions on how to navigate to View Position Activity Log.


Event Details

Event Details
Position Status Change Text: [First Name] [Last Name] [(E-mail address)] updated the position status from [Old Status Value] to [New Status Value].
Committee Additions (only ad-hoc additions here) Text: user_name (user_email) added user_name (user_email) as a committee member for this position.
Committee Removals Text: user_name (user_email) removed user_name (user_email) as a committee member for this position.
Position Workflow step changes when the position is sent forward (approved) or backward (rejected) Text: approver_name (approver_email) moved the position from Step X of Y: step-name to Step Z of Y: step-name.
Position Published Text: If a user published: user_name (user_email) published the position. If Interfolio auto-published, we should say: Interfolio automatically published the position.
Position Open Date Text: This position is open and accepting new applications.
Position Close Date Text: The close date for this position has passed, and the position is no longer accepting new applications.
The Act of Closing a Position (This is for both positions that have a selection approval template and those that do not.)
Message for No Selection <User name> (email) closed this position. No applicant was selected.
Message When Applicant is Selected <User name> (email) closed this position. Applicant(s) selected to fill this position: <applicant name(s)>
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