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Best Practice for Deleting Users, Units, Forms and Committees

The following article outlines best practices for users doing testing in a production environment. The article mainly addresses concerns around deleting data, what can and cannot (or should not) be deleted, and making notes of sticking points around deleting certain types of data when testing in a production environment.


Users should use caution when testing in a production environment. A sandbox environment is set up specifically for testing. Our sandbox is a shared environment for all clients. Please follow up with the institution's assigned Project Manager to access the sandbox environment.


Best Practice for Deleting

Data Description
  • Units cannot be deleted if there is data associated with the unit such as forms, committees, and cases.
  • Units cannot be deleted if there is a case under the unit, even if that case has been deleted.
  • Units cannot be deleted if there are subunits created under the unit.
  • If issues arise when deleting a unit, check for any cases (active or closed) that may exist in the unit, and check for any subunits that may have been created under the unit.

Users can delete forms with caution. Things to remember:

  • Removing a case data or candidate form from the Administration section means it will no longer be available to add to cases, but will remain available as part of the cases to which it has already been added.
  • Deleting a case data form or candidate form means access to that data from in the forms report will be lost. However this data is retained in the case information report.
  • When deleting a committee form, access to the data in the forms report will be retained.
  • You will not want to delete committees because they are dynamic and deleting a committee will remove that committee wherever it appears in the system.
  • Committees cannot be deleted if they are on a case - even if that case is deleted. As with units mentioned above, this is because we "soft-delete" cases in the event we may need to recover that data for clients. Therefore, if a committee is attached to a case that has been deleted, it will be problematic to remove that committee.
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