Edit or Delete an Existing Administrative Unit
This article provides instructions on how to update the name and parent unit of a unit in Interfolio Review, Promotion, and Tenure (RPT).
If your institution uses both RPT and FS (Faculty Search), any changes made to the unit hierarchy in one system (FS or RPT) will automatically be applied in the other. This means that a unit within RPT cannot be deleted if there are associated positions created in FS. Likewise, a unit in FS cannot be deleted if there are RPT cases linked to it.
Edit an Administrative Unit
- Navigate to the Users & Groups page and select the Units tab.
- Click Edit next to the desired unit to update the unit Name and parent unit. Click Update when finished.
When a unit is edited, all associated case information will be updated on both open and closed cases.
- The option to Delete a unit will only appear for units that are not in use.
- The option to Delete a unit will only appear for units that are not in use.