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Overview of Bulk Permissions Management with Academic Levels

Academic Workflow Levels in Interfolio Review, Promotion & Tenure (RPT) allow Unit Administrators to manage case access for multiple users at once, based on the institution's hierarchy. Each unit in an institution is assigned an academic level according to its hierarchy. For example, "University" for the top-level, "College" for schools (e.g., School of Engineering), and "Department" for departments (e.g., Department of Biology).


Manage Case Access using Template/Case Levels

Access can be controlled by both the user's role and the unit where the case is located (e.g., department or school). Prior to the release of this feature, case access was governed primarily by user role, with recusal on an individual basis. Now, with academic workflow levels, case access is automatically controlled by the academic hierarchy, eliminating the need for manual recusals for Unit Administrators and other users.

Access is based on the level where the case occurs and the user's role within that hierarchy.


Manage Case Access using Case Review Steps

In each template (and case), workflow steps can be assigned to one or more academic levels. Only the assigned committee members, along with administrators and case managers from the specified academic levels, can access the case during a given step. For example, if the step “Dean Reviews Candidate Dossier” is set to University, School, and Department levels, only Unit Administrators or Case Managers at those levels will have access. Once the case progresses to the next step, access will adjust according to the academic levels assigned to that step.

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