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Create and Export a Vita with New Vita Builder

Creating and exporting a vita is easier with our system's scholarly activity data. All vitas follow a template—personal or institutional—and the vita builder allows for custom text, diverse citation styles, and enhanced text styling.


Create/Manage Vita

  1. Navigate to the Vitas page and click Add New Vita or click the hyperlinked Vita Name of an existing vita.
    • Check the boxes next to the applicable Vitas to display options to Archive or Edit Vita Name.
    • Select the Archived Vitas tab to Restore, permanently Delete, and view archived Vitas.

      Once a vita is deleted, it cannot be recovered. To preserve it for potential future use, we recommend archiving the vita instead. Archived vitas can be reactivated at any time.

  2.  Make desired changes to the new or existing vita once it displays.
    • Click the Refresh Vita button after the date range and citation format is set to update the data in the CV.
    • Click the Pencil (Edit) icon next to the applicable section to open up the Add Custom Text window where you can enter freeform text, select font styling, add borders, and more.

      Note that the 'Add Custom Tex't' feature is not supported with FAR to RPT integration, which generates a Vita in real-time based on a template, not a personalized one from the user's account.

  3. After applying changes click any Save button at the top of the page to save your work.

    Save as New Vita creates a new vita that inherits all the settings of the current vita and gives the new vita a name and description.

  4. Click the Export button to choose between creating a shareable link, a PDF, or a Microsoft Word document.
    Select Shareable Link, PDF, or Word Document.
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