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A Candidate's Guide to Populating and Submitting a Packet Using Interfolio RPT

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Getting Started

1. Navigate to your Packets

You can navigate to your packet from the case initiation email sent when your case was created or by logging into your Interfolio account. If your case does not appear on Your Packets page, it may have not yet been initiated.

Page Steps
From your Interfolio Account

Navigation: Your Packets > Packet Name > View Instruction

  1. Select Your Packets from the navigation bar.
    Your Packets selected under the Home button
  2. Select the name of the packet under the Active packets section.
    Active packets will display on the candidate's Your Packets page.

    Past packets can be viewed in the section below the Active Packets.

  3. The Packet Overview page will be displayed.
From the Case Initiation Email

Click View Case in the email.
Demo University email with View Case button below

  •  If you do not have an account yet: A prompt will display to create a password to generate the Interfolio account to be used to collect and submit materials for the packet.
  • If you have an account already: The Packet Overview Page will be displayed.

2. Packet Overview and Deadlines

The packet overview page provides a high-level overview of the different sections, the requirements for each section, and the progress in fulfilling each of the requirements. To continue fulfilling requirements or to submit a section, select Edit within a section or select the Packet tab.

Deadline Details
Soft deadline If the deadline type is a soft deadline, each individual section must be manually submitted, even after the deadline has passed. Administrators will be able to see the date the materials were submitted.
Hard deadlines If the deadline type is a hard deadline, all sections will be automatically submitted and locked on the due date indicated. To have sections unlocked for editing after this date, reach out to an administrator of the case.

Individual sections may have due dates indicated. These dates are always soft deadlines. If the overall packet has a hard deadline, then all sections will be automatically submitted on the packet's due date, not the individual section's due date.


3. View Instructions and Preview Packet

Action Steps
View Instructions from the institution

Before taking any action, you should always view the instructions provided about your review. You may find important details and instructions about the specific requirements, policies, and processes.

  1. From within the packet, select View Instructions at the top right of the page.
    White View Instructions button with to the left of the Preview Packet button
  2. Any instructions that the institution has provided will appear in the window. 
    The Candidate instructions window.
Preview Packet

 The preview shows exactly how the packet will appear to the committee.

  1. Select Preview Packet at the top right of the page.
  2. The document reader will open and materials can be previewed here.
The document reader window with packet materials in a table of contents window on the left side and preview of the document to the right.

4. Add Files and New Sections

Each section indicates the requirement, the number of files required for that requirement, and the number of files that have been uploaded. A section cannot be submitted until all requirements have been met.

  1. Select the Packet tab.
  2. Click Add adjacent to the desired requirement.
  3. Select Choose Existing to add files from your Dossier account or Add New File to add new files from your computer or link to videos or webpages. 
    The add file window with "Add New File" selected.

    When uploading files, make sure to give the materials in the packet a meaningful title because reviewers will see the titles provided as bookmarks to the left of the page when reviewing the documents. 

  4. Select Add when finished.
    • It is possible to select an entire folder to be uploaded to a packet. However, after the folder is added to the packet, each of the files within the folder will show up individually.
    • Uploaded documents are ordered based on the sequence in which they are processed. This will generally align with the order the documents are uploaded.

      If your file is not uploading, make sure it follows the accepted file types.


      Files can be added by a Unit Administrator or Case Manager. If a file is added by a Unit Administrator or Case Manager, it will appear as Suggested by [Administrator's/Manager's Name]. The user will then choose whether to keep or remove the file.

Action Steps
Edit Files

Click Edit under the Actions column adjacent to the desired file that needs to be edited or replaced.

  • Edit the Title of the file to change the name.
  • Click Replace to choose a new file to replace it.

    Note that responses submitted to committee files cannot be deleted. 

Rearrange Files If you add a file to the wrong section, you can quickly rearrange and move files by selecting that file and dragging and dropping it to the correct section.
A selected file being dragged to a new section.
Add New Section There will be an Add Section button at the top of the Packet tab, if enabled by a Unit Administrator, where sections can be added to the packet by individual users.
Packet tab with Add Section selected

5. Submit Candidate Forms

  1. Click Fill Out Form within the desired section under the Packet tab.
    Fill Out Form button clicked
  2. Fill out the information and click Save Responses when finished.
    • If the form has already been started, click Edit Form to continue submitting responses.
  3. Click Submit at the top of the section, when finished, to submit the form along with the rest of the section.

    The form will appear as completed but not yet submitted until the submit button is pressed. After submission, edits can no longer be made.


6. View and Respond to Shared Files

The committee reviewing the case may share files with you. The committee may allow responses to the shared file and may set a date when the response is due.  

The response due date is a hard deadline, meaning responses cannot be given to the shared files after the due date. Also note that responses submitted to committee files cannot be deleted. 


Check out this article about how to View and Respond to Files Shared by a Committee for further instructions.


7. View and edit a FAR Vita as part of the RPT packet

The FAR vita section will only appear if the institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) product and has turned on the integration between the two products. Candidates cannot add, change or remove a Vita Template from an RPT Case, but may be able to update their activities within their FAR account and regenerate the Vita in their packet.


8. Submit Your Packet

Click Submit adjacent to each section when finished filling out the required information. Sections can only be submitted when the requirements have been met. When a section is submitted, you will that section lock and the review committee will be notified that your materials are ready for their review.

Once a section is submitted, it will immediately lock and cannot be edited. If you need to make changes to a submitted section, you must reach out to an administrator or case manager at your institution to unlock that section.


Check out this article on How to Submit Your Packet for more information on ways to submit your packet and what happens after submission.



How do I unlock a section to make changes after submission?

Once you have submitted a section, that section will lock. Only an administrator of the case will be able to unlock that section to allow changes. Reach out to an administrator at the institution to request a section to be unlocked.


How do I edit the bookmarks in the document reader? 

Bookmarks cannot be edited directly from Interfolio. They must be edited or removed from the original document within Adobe.


How do I download or print my packet?

Packets cannot be downloaded or printed.


How do I review a previous cycle's packet?

  1. Navigate to Your Packets from the navigation menu.
  2. Scroll down to the Completed Section.
  3. Select the desired completed packet to review.

    Check out this article on how to Reuse Materials from Previous Packets for more information.


What is the time zone for the application timestamp?

The timestamp that displays is in UTC, not the candidate's timezone.


Is there a size limit for RPT packets?

Yes, there is a 5GB limit.


How to Submit PDFs with Retained Signatures

Check out this article About Adding a Letterhead or Signature to a Letter (For Letter Writers) for further guidance.

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