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Edit a Case or Template

A template added to any organizational unit will be available as a starting point for cases created within that unit or its subordinate units. Changing a template's title updates it for all existing cases (Open and Closed), while changing the  requirements or an internal section's title/description will only affect future cases created after the update. This article review the steps for editing a case or template.


Edit a Case or Template

  1. Navigate to the applicable Cases or Templates page.
    • From the Cases page, click the Name of the desired appointment and select Case Options > Edit Case.
      Case Options dropdown selected with Edit Case selected on the Cases page
    • From the Templates page, select Options Edit Template next to the desired template
      Edit Template selected from the Options dropdown on the Templates page

      Templates can be deleted even after cases have been created from them, but they cannot be retrieved once deleted. Deleting a template does not affect the existing cases; cases and the template’s historical record will remain in the system. It is recommended to archive templates for future use, as archived templates can be reactivated anytime.

  2. You will navigate to the Case or Template Summary page.

    While the following images demonstrate the process for editing a template, the same steps also apply when editing a case.

    Template Summary Page
  3. Select which step you would like to edit under the Creating a Case or Template navigation menu on the right-hand side.

Case Sections

1. Case/Template Information

Fill out the Template Information form and attach optional Case Data Forms then click Save & Continue to move to the Candidate Requirement page.

About Case Data Forms

  • Candidates will never see the questions or answers.
  • Unit Administrators Create Case Data Forms.
  • Unit Administrators or Case Managers fill this out when creating a case.

2. The Candidate Requirements Section

In this section, users can adjust packet settings, deadline rules, and assembly instructions. Note that all packet settings created here will become available for any case built using this template.


Section Details
Candidate Packet Settings

Click Edit Packet Settings to display the Candidate Packet Settings window. Here you can set the deadline type, which applies institution-wide.

Under the Candidate Packet Section Settings you can allow candidates to add their own sections to their packets. 


Candidate Instructions

Provide the candidate with instructions on assembling their packet, including procedures, policies, deadlines, and any relevant links to forms or resources.

Links to required forms/online resources can be included.


These instructions will appear for any case built using this template.


Faculty Activity Reporting Vita

This option will only appear if the institution uses both RPT and Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180). 


Packet Requirements


By default, the Candidate Documents section appears, but new custom sections can be created for additional materials. Each section can have a soft deadline and description, but a hard deadline overrides all soft deadlines. To ensure candidates see the section requirements, they must be added, even if optional.

Users can create custom sections by clicking the Add Section and filling out the Add Section window that displays.

Users can add requirements by clicking Add Requirement and filling out the Add Requirement window that displays.

Click Continue to move onto the Internal Case Sections page.


3. Internal Case/Template Sections

Create internal case sections to organize review documents for committee members or individual users, which are not visible to the candidate. These sections group related materials together to help with document organization during the review process. Only Committee Managers, Case Managers, and Unit Administrators can view these sections, while all materials remain completely invisible to the candidate. Internal case sections do not have requirements, but they ensure non-candidate documents are private. You can also include a section for requesting and collecting external evaluations.


Note that an Internal Case Sections creates a space to organize documents added to the case by committees and reviewers. Specific document requirements can be created for reviewers of the case when adding case review steps.


By default, two packet sections labeled Committee Documents and External Evaluations appear. These sections can be edited or removed. 

  1. Click the +Add Section button to fill out the name and description of the new section.
  2. Click Continue when finished to move onto the Case Review Steps page.

4. Case/Template Review Steps

Check out this article on how to Edit Case Review Steps for more information


5. Case/Template Summary

The Template Summary page lets you review the template and return to previous sections to make any changes.


With Dossier, you can allow users to view guidelines for cases built with this template, including descriptions, instructions, and requirements. Click Enable Dossier Visibility to activate this feature and help users prepare for upcoming reviews.


Click Preview to see how the information will appear to Dossier users at the institution.



Can you remove the external evaluation section?

Yes, when setting up Internal Case Sections in a template or case, the special section for collecting and requesting external evaluations can be removed. By default, this section is included for internal use, but you have the option to exclude it if not needed.


Are there sample templates available?

Yes, sample tempaltes are available in our Sample Template Guide. This guide includes examples for various scenarios such as Faculty Awards, Equity Adjustments, Tenure Clock Extensions, and Alternate Work Locations, along with guidance on building advanced templates and transitioning to RPT.

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