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Upload a Confidential Letter from Your Dossier Deliver Account to an Online Application System (for applicants)

Users with a Dossier Deliver subscription can upload the confidential letters of recommendation stored in their Dossier Deliver account to another online application system. Interfolio has a 1 to 4 business day turnaround time from the point the request is received to upload the letter. The status of confidential letter uploads is listed on the Deliveries page under the Status column. 


When using this feature, if the system requires additional questions for uploading a letter, they will be marked as N/A when possible. If the questions are required, the request will be canceled, and the requester notified. For required contact information from the letter writer, Interfolio's contact details will be used.


Request to Send a Confidential Letter

  1. Navigate to the Deliveries page, click New Delivery at the top of the page and click the Confidential Letter Upload delivery method.

    Only upgraded Dossier Deliver accounts can be used to deliver materials.

  2. Select the method that the online application uses to request and receive letters of recommendation. 
    Confidential Letter Upload page with You enter your recommenders' email addresses selected below
  3. Please refer to the tabs below for instructions corresponding to the option selected above.

Enter recommenders' email address

  1. Select You enter your recommenders' email address on the Confidential Letter Upload page and then click Next to navigate to the Select Letters page.
  2. Check the boxes next to the applicable letter Titles to be sent and click Continue when finished to navigate to the Send Requests page.

    Note that only letters of recommendation that have already been received can be used in a delivery.

  3. Click Copy next to the letter to be uploaded to copy the Email Address.
    Copy selected adjacent to email address
  4. Log into the online application, and paste the copied email address from Dossier into the Recommender/Evaluator's Email Address field, complete the request and then click Save This Evaluation Request when finished.

    Repeat until all email addresses are copied over to the application system. Each email address counts as one delivery credit.

  5. Return to Dossier and click Continue to navigate to the Summary page.

Once Interfolio receives the request from the Online Application System, a delivery will be created on the Deliveries page. Interfolio will process this confidential letter upload within approximately 1-4 days of receiving the request. Depending on the system, it may take Interfolio a day or more to receive the request.


You Provide a Link To Your Recommenders

  1. Select the You Provide a Link To Your Recommenders option on the Confidential Letter Upload page. Fields for you to enter the Institution/organization name and URL will populate for you to complete. Click Next when finished.
  2. Check the boxes next to the applicable letter Titles to be sent and click Continue when finished to navigate to the Send Requests page.

    Note that only letters of recommendation that have already been received can be used in a delivery.

  3. Click Continue when finished to navigate to the Review & Confirm page where you will review the information and click Submit Delivery when finished.

There will be a pop-up message that appears on the lower right side of the account confirming the letter upload request has been successfully submitted.


Occasionally, online application requests from third-party application systems do not reach Interfolio resulting in a confidential letter upload delivery not being listed on the Deliveries page. This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. The application has not processed the letter writer data yet and therefore has not sent Interfolio a request yet.
  2. The document email address was entered incorrectly.
  3. A special character (like an accent) is preventing us from processing the email request correctly.
  4. An error occurred within the third-party application.

Please monitor pending deliveries closely and contact Interfolio at if an expected delivery is not listed or if the request has not been received.


Check out this article about how to Manage Application Materials on the Deliveries Page for insights into your application's status and guidance on navigating the Deliveries Page.



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