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Cancel a Request for a Letter of Recommendation

Dossier users and Faculty Search applicants can use Interfolio to request confidential and non-confidential letters of recommendation that will then be stored in their personal Dossier account. Letter of recommendation requests can be requested directly from a user's Dossier account on the Letters page or from within an application for a position hosted by Interfolio. 

It is important to note that requests can only be canceled (or deleted) from a user's dossier account on the Materials page. If the letter request is attached to an application, it can only be canceled if the application is still open and editing permissions are allowed by the institution. Then, the request must first be removed from the application before a user will see the option to cancel/delete it from their Dossier account.

If the letter or request is attached to an application and editing rights have been turned off for that position, the request can no longer be canceled. 


Step 1: Remove the Request from Applications

If the letter or request is attached to an application, it must first be removed from that application. Once the request/letter is removed from all applications, move to step 2 to cancel the request and send a notification to the letter writer.

  1. Select Deliveries on the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select Edit next to the application that the request is attached to. If there is no option to edit the application, the position is closed or the institution has turned off editing permissions. You must reach out to the institution (not Interfolio) to request edit access.
  3. Select the trash can icon next to the pending request to remove it from the application. 

    This action does not cancel the request, it only removes the letter from the application. The following steps will allow you to cancel the request and notify the letter writer that the letter is no longer needed.


Step 2: Cancel the Request from your Dossier Materials Page

  1.  Select Materials on the navigation menu.
  2. This page will show all of your Dossier materials. Use the filter options to see only letters of recommendation (LOR). 
  3. Click the Title of the desired LOR.
  4. Select Delete from the Other Options dropdown.
    Other Options dropdown with Archive and Delete below

If you cannot select the option to delete a letter or a request for a letter, it is because the letter is attached to an application. You can only only remove it from an application if editing permissions for that position are turned on by the institution. 


Cancellation Notification to Letter Writers

If you are deleting a request before it has been fulfilled by the letter writer, the letter writer will receive an email letting them know that the letter is no longer needed. If the letter writer attempts to access the request from the original email they received, they will be taken to a blank dossier page with no option to upload a letter. We recommend that the requester reaches out to the letter writer to let them know personally that there is no action for them to take.




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