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Configure Activity Data Input Forms

The Activity Input Form in Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180) contains data about faculty members that tends to change over time, such as during academic terms. This article will go over how administrators, with the necessary permissions, can configure an Activity Input Form. 


Customization of this form should be performed at the highest level, such as the university level, and then for the next lower level, colleges, and so on. The data that is collected creates the basis for reporting and other output, such as CVs, institutional reports, accreditation reports, and more.


Check out this article Overview of Forms and Sections for more information on the sections and fields within different forms.


Configure an Activity Input Form

1. Navigate to Activity Input Form under Setup

Navigation: Administration > Setup > Activity Input Form

  1. Click Setup under the Administration section of the navigation menu.
    Navigation bar with Setup highlighted
  2. Click Activity Input Form under the Configuration section.
    Configuration section with Activity Input Form underlined

2. Add/Edit Activity Input Form

  1. Click the hyperlinked number for the unit corresponding to the faculty member to be changed. If necessary, click the plus sign to expand a unit. The Form Configuration screen will display, showing the list of forms that have already been created for the selected unit.
  2. Create a new Activity Input Form or edit an existing Activity Input Form.
Add New
  1. Click the Add button at the bottom of the page.
  2. Select the desired unit and template for the new activity input form.
  3. Click Change adjacent to Unit to select a different unit or subunit, if desired.
  4. Select the desired Template using the dropdown.
    Add Configuration Section with Unit and Template sections shown
  5. Click the Add button.
  6. Choose a method. 

    If Add a new input form is selected, there will be a section to create a name for the new form in the Input Form Label field.

    Add section with Modify existing A1 for users primarily assigned within University selected as the Method

    We recommend selecting Add a new for initiated workflows. Unlike Modify existing, which impacts what a unit sees in their Activities section, Add a new is simply a form that does not impact faculty views in their Activities section.


    After an institution has created a template, a lower unit may have the ability to make a copy of it to edit and configure to fit its needs.

  7. Click Okay when finished.
Edit Existing

Click the Edit (pencil) icon adjacent to the form desired to be edited or click the Delete ("X") icon adjacent to the form desired to be deleted.

To find the master form at the very top level, look for the form with the following properties:

  • Form Name: Activity Input
  • Display Name: University Master
  • Unit: University

3. Fill out the information

  1. In the General Information section, type a description of the form, if desired.
  2. In the Content section, use the Reorder dropdowns to: 
    • Select which sections should be shown and hidden on the activity input form.
    • Specify the order the sections will appear in.
      Reorder dropdowns

      - If Do Not Show is selected in the dropdown, that section will be optional for all units below to include on their form. 
      - If Do Not Show is not selected, that section will be required on this form for all units at that level and below


      During implementation, the Institutional Implementation Team will work with the Interfolio Product Manager to configure this form. It is recommended to create any section that you want to show at a lower unit at the very top level in the top form. It is better to create it at the top and mark it as Do Not Show and then turn it on for lower sections rather than creating it only at the lower section. Check out the FAQ about how to remove a section at a lower-level unit set at the University level to see why not following this recommendation is more demanding.

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Add Sections to create custom sections.

    For more information about section configuration, check out our article on how to Create Custom Input Sections.


The Institutional Implementation Team will work with the Interfolio Project Manager to configure the components of the Activity Input Form.


Default Content Input sections

Section Details

Displays a list of the courses that are currently assigned to the faculty member for the current academic term, along with any corresponding course attachments (syllabus, course, peer evaluations, and more) and faculty member teaching loads.

  • Fields may include course information, enrollment details, delivery method, teaching level, and more.
    • The institution can determine which teaching fields can be edited.
Non-Credit Instruction

Used to collect teaching that may occur outside of the classroom, or when the faculty member is not the instructor of record.

  • Fields may include title, audience, organization, number of participants, start and end dates, and more.
Scholarly Contributions & Creative Productions

Used to view and enter activities relating to scholarly or professional works (journal articles, books, proceedings) and creative works ( performances, exhibitions) participated in or completed.

Specific options are listed below:

  • Abstracts
  • Artistic and Professional Performances
  • Artistic and Professional Productions
  • Books
  • Case Studies
  • Chapters
  • Conference Proceedings
  • Datasets
  • Digital and Electronic Media, Social Media, Blog, Podcasts
  • Exhibitions
  • Journal Articles
  • Other Scholarly Works
  • Other Teaching Materials
  • Patent and Intellectual Property
  • Poster Presentations
  • Presentations
  • Reviews
    • Technology

Used to add pending or current grant-related projects, proposals, awards, and renewals.

  • Fields may include title, sponsor, award date, start and end dates, funding details, and more.
Advising Load

Used to specify the number of individuals being advised at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels.

  • Fields may include term and number of students by level.

Used to manage information for all students currently being supervised or that have supervised previously.

  • Fields may include role, student details, and more.
Institutional Committees

Used to add any formal standing committee appointments within the academic institution.

  • Fields may include committee name, responsibility, and start and end dates.
Other Institutional Service

Used to add any services performed for the academic institution other than formal standing committees. This could include an ad hoc committee, dissertation/thesis committee, course development, faculty sponsor to a student organization, web page design, student recruitment activity, informal assignments, and non-research grants.

  • Fields may include title, description, and start and end dates.
External Service

Used to add any services that have been rendered for an academic or professional organization. This could include committee appointments; journal editor or reviewer; a speech or presentation of a non-research paper at a professional meeting; community service; or moderator, discussant, or panelist at a conference.

  • Fields may include title, organization, description, and start and end dates.
Professional Development

Used to add any conferences, training, continuing professional education, or others participated in.

  • Fields may include title, CPE hours, location, and description.
Honors and Awards

Used to note when a faculty member is recognized for their work.

  • Fields may include title, year conferred, and conferring organization.
Professional Membership

Used by faculty members to note any formal membership with professional/academic or community/civic organizations.

  • Fields may include organization name, start and end dates, and roll.

Used to add any paid/unpaid consulting engagements that require professional expertise in support of a client, such as reviewing textbooks and textbook proposals.

  • Fields may include client name, hours involved, description, and start and end dates.
Activity Distribution

Designed to represent the faculty member's workload distribution of responsibilities within the department.

  • Fields may include percent of work devoted to teaching, research, service, and more.
Reassigned Duties

Used by faculty to note temporary adjustments to their regular activity distribution.

  • Fields may include reassigned load hours, description, and start and end dates.
Clinical Teaching

Often utilized by Medical Schools.

  • Fields may include role, audience, location, number of participants, start and end dates, type of teaching, etc.
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