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Submit a New Position for Approval

If the organization requires approval for posting new positions, users will be prompted to submit new positions for approval as the final step in creating a position. Organizations can also set up position approval workflows to accommodate requirements for more than one step in the position approval process. The administrator(s) who are designated to approve new positions will be notified of the new position submitted for approval, and can either approve the position and send it forward to the next step in the approval process, or send it back for changes. If changes are required, the user who created the position will be notified of the necessary changes and can resubmit the position once the required changes have been made. This article explains more about the process of approving positions.


Submit a Position for Approval

  1. After creating the position, if approval is required, it will be requested to submit the position for approval.
  2. Click Submit for Approval to send a message to the approver(s) on the Send Position For Approval page asking them to review the position. Click Send when finished.

Some organizations will only have one step in the position approval process, but others may have multiple steps.



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