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View Referral Sources for a Position

There is a new tool that displays a pie chart illustrating how potential applicants access a position’s Apply Now page. Administrators can use this to assess the effectiveness of recruitment spending by viewing referral sources and landing page analytics. If the applicant pool is lacking, they can adjust tactics based on which job boards are driving traffic to the position.


Note that the number of visitors will be larger than the number of applicants to the position because more people will view the posting than will apply for a position.


View Referral Sources for a Position

Navigate to the Positions page on the navigation many and click the hyperlinked Name of the desired position. Select View Referral Source from the Position Actions dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.
View Referral Sources selected from the Position Actions dropdown

The top referring websites are represented in a color-coded circle graph. Click a section of the graph to see the percentage of visitors sent to the position by the source.

The data in these charts directly reflects how the data is coming in from an outside source (such as Google Analytics). If duplicate sources appear, this is because the outside source distinguishes between desktop, mobile, and tablet usage.


Note that (direct) means that the viewer clicked directly on the Position URL provided by Interfolio. The Position URL can be found on Interfolio's Open Positions page in Dossier.



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