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Request, Add, and Manage External Evaluations for a Case

External evaluations are crucial to the review process. Tools are available for Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers to request evaluations from scholars outside the committee or institution. External evaluations can be added in two ways: uploaded directly into the candidate's case or requested by email through our program.


External evaluators receive an  email notification with submission instructions and can upload the document directly to Interfolio without needing an account.


Request/Add an External Evaluation for a Case

  1. Navigate to the Cases page, click the Name of the candidate, then scroll to the bottom and then click Request Evaluation.
    Request Evaluation button selected under Internal sections on Cases page.

    Unit Administrators, Case Managers, and Committee Managers can upload an evaluation file directly to the candidate's case by clicking Add File button in the External Evaluations Internal Section.

  2. Fill out the information on the Request Evaluation page. Check out the table below for more information about each field.
Field Details
External Evaluator Information

Click Add Another Evaluator to add multiple evaluators. The following variables automatically fill in the first and last names of each evaluator receiving the message:

  • Evaluator First Name = %EV_First% 
  • Evaluator Last Name = %EV_Last%
Message to Evaluator

Click Preview Email to see how the requested email will appear to the external evaluator. The preview will not auto-populate names if mail merge is used, but the names will be included in the sent message.

Add Files

Click Add Files to attach files from the candidate or internal sections to the request. These files will be available for download by the recipient upon accepting the invitation.

Files from the external evaluation section cannot be added.


If your institution has enabled the integration between RPT and FAR, the candidate's FAR Vita can be uploaded here to share with the external evaluation. The vita will appear as one of the file options to add. 

Response Settings

  • The deadline is a Hard Deadline, meaning the recipient will not be able to submit an evaluation after the deadline date.
  • Indicate whether or not the evaluator can submit additional files. If Yes is selected, the evaluator will be presented with the option to add up to ten additional files. 

3. Click Send Request when finished. Submitted Evaluations will be added to the External Evaluations section by default.
External Evaluations section with Edit button under the Actions column

To move the request from the default External Evaluation section to another internal section, select Edit Settings from the Edit dropdown in the Actions column. You can then select the desired internal Section to move the request to.
Evaluation Settings with Section dropdown open


Evaluator Notifications After the Request has been Sent

The external evaluator will immediately receive the request in their email. Once they select the View Request button, they will have the option to Accept or Decline the request. Once they accept, they will be able to view any attached files and see the option to upload their evaluation. They can return to this screen at any time by selecting the link in the email. 

Automatic Email Reminders will be sent to External Evaluators 7 days and 1 day before the set deadline. Please note that this is a hard deadline. Once the deadline passes, the evaluator declines the request, or the evaluation is submitted before a reminder is sent, no additional reminders are sent.


The sender will be notified if a request for an evaluation is unable to be delivered to the email address entered.


Manage Evaluation Request

Navigate to the Cases page and click the Name of the applicable candidate. Check out the table below for details on managing your evaluation requests.

Action Details
View Activity Log

When a Unit Administrator, Case Manager, or Committee Manager uploads an external evaluation, it is recorded in the Activity Log. The Case Activity Log shows shows who requested and uploaded an evaluation, when it was requested and submitted, and if the request bounced. It does not indicate whether an evaluator accepted or declined the request.


Click View Activity Log from the Case Options dropdown at the top of the page.
View Activity Log selected from the Case Options dropdown

View Request Status

Click to expand the External Evaluations section to view the status of your request: Requested, Accepted, Declined, or Submitted (with the uploader's name and timestamp).

After submission, evaluators cannot delete or replace their files. Only Administrators, Case Managers, or Committee Managers can delete the file.

Edit Evaluation Settings and Delete Request

Click to expand the External Evaluations section, click Edit next to the applicable evaluation, and then select Edit Settings to edit the file name, internal section, resend the request and set committee permissions. You can also add external evaluations on behalf of the evaluator.

  • Under the Evaluation Settings section you can update the Name, internal Section it is located in, and the Access permissions.

    Please note that if Administrators Only is selected under the Access dropdown, Case Managers will not have access.

  • Scroll down to the Files section to Remove (Delete) files

    This action will change the status of the request from Submitted to Accepted. Changing the request status from Submitted to Accepted allows the evaluator to add a new file via the original request link. To remove the request entirely, follow the Cancel Request steps below.

Resend or Cancel Request, Cancel Request

Click to expand the External Evaluations section, then click Edit next to the applicable evaluation to Edit & Resent or Cancel Request.

  • Select Edit & Resend to update an external evaluation request, such as the evaluator's details, message, or files. This will send a new email to the evaluator, who will lose access to removed files. Resending does not change the outcome if the request was accepted or declined.
  • Select Cancel Request to remove it from the case entirely. The evaluator will not be notified until they click View Details in the original email, where they will see that the request is no longer needed.


What happens if the evaluation request is unable to be delivered?

If an evaluation request fails to deliver, the requester will be notified if the email address is invalid or blocked, but not if it lands in the spam folder.


Can external evaluations be shared with the candidate?

Documents added via the Add File button or requested through the Request Evaluation button in the External Evaluations section are confidential and cannot be shared with the candidate.

Non-confidential documents remain non-confidential regardless of where they appear. Unit Administrators, Case Managers, or Committee Managers can use the document-sharing feature for non-confidential materials.


Are reminders sent to evaluators to submit their evaluation?

After the request has been sent, the external evaluator will immediately receive the request in their email. If they accept, Automatic Email Reminders will be sent to External Evaluators 7 days and 1 day before the set deadline. 

Please note that this is a hard deadline. Once the deadline passes, the evaluator declines the request, or the evaluation is submitted before a reminder is sent, no additional reminders are sent.


Why is a Case Manager unable to view/edit external evaluation requests once they've been sent?

If the external evaluation setting is set to Administrators Only, you must be a Unit Administrator or higher to view it.




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