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Use Tags to Mark and Sort Applications

Tags are text labels added to an applicant's record in Faculty Search (FS) to help categorize, sort, and quickly identify applications. Committee Managers can use tags to assign specific Evaluators to a candidate. Tags can be added from the Applications page, Applicant Profile, or when running an application report. If enabled, Committee Members can use tags to:

  • Identify candidates with significant achievements such as teaching awards or fellowships.
  • Mark the progress of an application through the hiring process (Interviewed, Shortlist, Not Competitive).
  • Quickly add comments useful for sorting applications (Good Teaching Evaluations, Strong Publications).
  • Mark applications they have reviewed or are responsible for reviewing.
  • Filter the list of applicants and focus on the most competitive.

Note that tags are not private - they are always available to all other Committee Members.


Comments & Tags are enabled or disabled at the institution level. If they are enabled, a lower-level unit can still disable them.


Mark/Sort Applications Using Tags

Navigate to the Positions page and click the hyperlinked name of the desired Position.
Positions page displays list of positions, their status, application information, and EEO Notes

  • Tag: Check the boxes next to the applicable Applicant Names. A red toolbar will appear. Select the desired ‘Tag’ from the dropdown to attach it to the selected applicants under the Tags column.
    Applicant Name checked, Tag dropdown displays

    Removing Tags

    Tags can only be removed by the person who applied them. To remove a tag, click the “X” next to it. Tags applied by other users cannot be removed unless you are a Unit Administrator. Unit Administrators can remove tags applied by anyone within their unit or at lower levels.
    LC Approve and Jasmine Tags with x next to it while other LC Approve Tag does not have an X


    In the default list view, applied tags appear in the same row as the applicant's name under the Tags column. From here, you can also click the + icon to add a tag to that individual application.
    + selected under Tags

  • Sort: Click the 'Filter' button at the top of the list to open a set of options for filtering the list. Select desired Filters under the 'Tags' section.
    Filter dropdown

    The list of applications can be filtered by data points including highest degree earned, application status, labels, ratings, or completion status.



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