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Create FAR Quicklinks

The Quicklinks button provides easy access to frequently used screens, similar to bookmarking. Users can create Quicklinks for regular reports with complex filters and can share them with others if desired.


When you create a Quicklink for a report, it will run the report using the same parameters you set initially and automatically pull the most updated data that fits those saved criteria. So, when accessing the saved report, it will run with those parameters and reflect any new data available.

  1. Navigate to the page you would like to create/manage a Quicklink for.

    While the Quicklinks button is not available on the homepage, it can be accessed from any specific page within Interfolio's Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR, Faculty180).

  2. Click Quicklinks in the upper-right corner to Add This Page as a Quicklink or Manage Quicklinks.
    • From the Mange Quicklinks page, you can click the Pencil (Edit), Arrow (Share), or “X (Delete) icons, or Reorder using the dropdown.
      Manage Quicklinks page with list of quicklinks
    • One the Send Quicklink window, click Select Faculty to choose the faculty, administrators, and support accounts you want to share the Quicklink with using the Faculty Selection Tool
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