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Communicate in Interfolio Faculty Search

Interfolio Faculty Search (FS) includes numerous methods for users to communicate with each other. Administrators and Committee Managers have the ability to email applicants individually or in groups, as well as create automated email notifications which can trigger automated letters of rejection. Comments and Tags are tools that help Evaluators and Committee Managers communicate with one another about specific candidates, and are also used to organize and sort applications. Administrators and Committee Managers can enable or disable comments and labels from the Administration page under Position Settings.


Users will see new tasks/notifications on their homepage when certain actions need to be completed.




Committee Managers and Administrators can Email Applicants individually or in groups, as well as create message templates in FS.



Comments appear on the Applicant Profile page and in the Document Viewer. If permissions allow, Evaluators can both Comment on an Application, and view previously entered comments. Establishing a Blind Review prevents Evaluators from viewing one another's comments.

When setting up or editing a position, Administrators or Committee Managers can elect to use a blind review policy. With a blind review, Evaluators cannot see one another's comments and ratings. However, it is possible to start with a blind review, and then un-toggle the feature later for group discussion/collaboration. 



If allowed, Evaluators can add tags to an applicant record. These are custom tags to help sort, categorize, and quickly identify applications. Tags are useful for quickly noting qualifications (Ph.D. or Wrong Degree) or noting when they have been reviewed by an Evaluator (Reviewed by Mark). Tags are also useful for sorting purposes. For example, if a Committee Manager uses a tag to assign each applicant to an Evaluator, then Evaluators can filter by their label and view only those applications they are assigned to review.

Keep in mind that tags are viewable by anyone that has access to the search at the institution. It is strongly recommended that Administrators discuss a standard nomenclature to use for labels before beginning the process of evaluation.

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