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Search Results

About the List of Positions

Positions accessible in Faculty Search (FS) appear on the Positions page and are listed in a table that displays the position name, status, type, and open and close dates.


List of Positions

Section Details
Position Name Title of the position trying to be filled. For example “Associate Professor…” Click this name to access the applications for the position.
Status Describes the current state of the search. For example, “Accepting Applications”, “Under Review,” and more.
Application Information Lists the number of applications and the dates when a position is open or closed to new applications.
EEO Notes If given EEO Access, click Add in the column to add a note about the EEO status of a position or click View to view added notes.
Filter This button can limit the list according to the Type, Status, and whether the position is Active or Closed.


Why can Evaluators not see the applicants?

  • Check that the Evaluator has been assigned to the Search Committee. They may not yet be assigned as a Committee Member to the position. Committee Managers or Administrators must add Evaluators as new users to the system, but these users must also be assigned to the search committee for a position.
  • Check the status of the search. The current status of the search may not allow for Evaluator access and the position status must allow for Evaluators to review applications.
  • Check that the position or application has not been archived.  Positions and applications that have been archived will not show up by default on the Positions or Applications pages, so check to make sure Evaluators are viewing active positions.
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