Configure AACSB Data
Interfolio now assists with generating reports. The key is to get specific data on faculty into the system including their career activities such as scholarship, courses taught, degrees, and qualifications. AACSB also needs to know Rank (to count how many faculty of each rank are at a school), Degrees for Scholarship (to record where faculty attended school), and Peer Review Status for Scholarship (to determine the rigor of the scholarship).
To ensure accurate AACSB reporting, you must group courses and assign AACSB as the accrediting body in FAR. You will enter the data into the system, verify the data, and then contact to have reports run and delivered.
In order to ensure the AACSB reports are correctly reporting data, a grouping for courses and assigned AACSB must be created as the accrediting body in FAR. For further guidance, check out our Best Practice Webinar on AACSB Reporting.
Active Sections, ACs, and FCs Listed in System to Populate AACSB Reports
To ensure that the data is included in the report, you must use the default Sections, Activity Classifications (AC), and Faculty Classifications (FC) provided.
Data entered in Custom sections (e.g. Teaching or Grants), ACs, and FCs will not be included in the final report.
The following four sections populate the AACSB report. Degrees is on the Profile Form while Teaching, Scholarship, and Grants are on the Activity Form.
2020 Standards |
2017 Standards |
Active Section | Table 3.1 | Table 3.2 | Table 8.1 | Table 2.1 | Table 2.2 | Table 15.1 | Table 15.2 |
Degrees | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
Teaching | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
Scholarship | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
Grants | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
Activity Classifications
The following three default ACs populate the AACSB report. The Competitive Research Award AC is linked to the Grants section while Scholarly Type and Intellectual Contributions Review Type are linked to the Scholarly Contributions section. You can set these at the Business School unit so that only the business faculty see them.
2020 Standards |
2017 Standards |
Activity Classification | Table 3.1 | Table 3.2 | Table 8.1 | Table 2.1 | Table 2.2 | Table 15.1 | Table 15.2 |
AACSB: Competitive Research Award | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Scholarly Type | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Intellectual Contributions Review Type*** | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Book Type | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
***Former Digital Measures (DM) Users
Digital Measures has a field labeled Was this peer-reviewed/referred? with Yes or No options. Business school administrators (Dean/Associate Dean) will need to determine which value in FAR to map this to (either "Blind Peer Reviewed," or "Non-blind Peer Reviewed"). In this case, please follow these rules:
- If the “Was this peer-reviewed/referred?” field in DM is set to Yes, map to the "Intellectual Contributions: Review Type" field in FAR and set it to “Non-blind, Peer Reviewed” or “Blind, Peer Reviewed.” It is recommended to map: Peer Reviewed = Non-blind peer review.
- If the “Was this peer-reviewed/referred?” field in DM is set to No or is left Blank, map to the "Intellectual Contributions: Review Type" field in FAR and set it to “Not Reviewed."
Faculty Classifications
The following eight FCs populate the AACSB report
2020 Standards |
2017 Standards |
Faculty Classification | Table 3.1 | Table 3.2 | Table 8.1 | Table 2.1 | Table 2.2 | Table 15.1 | Table 15.2 |
AACSB: Basis for Qualification | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Faculty Qualification Group | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Faculty Sufficiency | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Percent Time Devoted to Mission | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Professional Responsibilities | YES |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Faculty FTE | NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
AACSB: Discipline | YES |
NO |
AACSB: Specialty | YES |
NO |
NO |
Request Process
1. Prepare for Reporting
- Create Program/Course Grouping for AACSB Data.
Course Prefixes and Courses must be set up in FAR before creating Programs/Course Groupings. This is a requirement of AACSB in order to accurately populate tables Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for 2020 or 15.1 and 15.2 for 2017.
- Check Configuration and Data: Be sure to configure the system with the right configuration from the beginning. Check out the Recommended Configurations below:
- Capture Degrees on the Profile Form and Scholarly Activities/Creative Productions on the Activity Form using standard sections
- Ensure AACSB Activity Classifications are active and visible to faculty, allowing them to select the appropriate category when reporting activities.
- Create/review the Input Classifications form for AACSB
- Set up the Course/Program Groupings. Users must have course groupings in order to populate Table 15.2 correctly. This is an AACSB requirement.
- Determine Plan for Populating Data:
- Faculty Members will populate Intellectual Contribution data and AACSB Activity Classifications (AC) via manual entry (an existing integration or upload a Bibtex/Ris file) in the Scholarly Activities and Creative Productions section. Alternatively, if the Scholarship data is available, talk to your PM or AM about having that data loaded for faculty – There may be a charge.
- An Administrator will:
- Load Teaching data via the Courses Taught base data file.
- Load most AACSB Faculty Classifications (FC) via the FC base data file.
- Update other AACSB FCs via Input Faculty Classifications on the Administration page.
Data Entry Methods
The table below contains information about how to get specific data into the system.
Data | Entry Method |
Teaching | Courses Taught base data |
Degrees |
Scholarship |
Faculty Qualifications | Faculty Classification base data upload AND manual data entry |
Program Course Groupings | Manual entry |
Institutional Responsibilities for Capturing AACSB Data
Data | Entry Method |
Faculty Classifications |
Activity Classifications |
Note that the standard configuration ACs and FCs have been labeled specifically for AACSB and should not be changed.
2. Verify Data
The top tip for AACSB reporting is to verify data. The information below explains how users can prepare using in-product reports in Interfolio, allowing them to drill down by count, sort faculty, and review individual faculty details.
In order to ensure the AACSB reports are correctly reporting data, a grouping for courses and assigned AACSB must be created as the accrediting body in FAR.
Data to Maintain
- Teaching Report (15.1 / 3.1, 15.2 / 3.2): One academic year of teaching data. This typically excludes Summer Term.
- Faculty Qualifications (15.2 / 3.2): One year of qualifications
- Scholarship (2.1 / 8.1, 2-2): Five years of scholarship.
Report | Verification |
Teaching Metrics |
Use the Activity Input Report to verify that faculty teaching data and courses are correctly assigned to programs. Filter by Teaching section, Teaching metric, and Program or Activity Classification to review program-level data. |
Intellectual Contributions |
Use the Activity Input Report or Scholarly Activity Reports to verify that faculty scholarship is correctly classified for reporting.
Table 3.1 (Faculty Sufficiency and Qualifications) |
Table 3.2 (Deployment of Participating and Supporting Faculty By Qualification Status In Support Of Degree Programs) | The Faculty Classification for Faculty Sufficiency and Course/Program Groupings with metric numbers from the Courses Taught for those Courses. |
Table 8.1 (Summary of Intellectual Contributions) | Activity Classifications entered by or on behalf of faculty will populate Table 8.1. That information is drawn from the scholarship section of Faculty Activity Reporting based on the Activity Classification = Intellectual Contribution Review Type and AACSB Scholarly Type |
3. Submit Request Ticket
- Requested Tables (e.g. 3-1, 3-2, 8-1)
- Date Range for the reports, including the desired time frame
- Units and/or disciplines of faculty to include
- Teaching Programs desired (by default it includes all Programs/Course Groupings)
- Scholarship Status (by default the statuses Accepted, In-press, and Completed are included
4. Submit Report
Submit the completed report to AACSB as normal during your accreditation review.
Example Reports (Table 8.1)
The chart below shows two example data set reports categorized by AC: Scholarly Type.
Scholarship | Intellectual Contribution Types | |
Breakdown by Semester | ||
Breakdown by Discipline |
What AACSB tables does Interfolio FAR support?
FAR and Interfolio help support the creation of the 2013 tables 2.1, 2.2, 15.1, and 15.2 and 2020 tables 3.1, 3.2, and 8.1.
2013 Standards* |
2020 Standard |
2.1: Intellectual Contributions Part A: Five Year Summary on Intellectual Contributions | 8.1: Intellectual Contributions Part A: Summary of Intellectual Contributions Over the Most Recently Completed Accreditation Cycle |
2.2: Five-Year Summary of Peer and Editorial- Reviewed Journals and Number of Publications in Each | N/A |
15.1: Faculty Sufficiency and Qualifications Summary For Most Recently Completed Normal Academic Year | 3.1: Faculty Sufficiency and Qualifications Summary for Most Recently Completed Regular Academic Year, by Discipline |
15.2: Deployment Of Faculty By Qualification Status In Support Of Degree Programs For The Most Recently Completed Normal Academic Year | 3.2: Deployment of Faculty by Qualification Status in Support of Degree Programs for the Most Recently Completed Regular Academic Year |
Interfolio supports the 2020 updates to the 2017 standards